Hypertension Influences Your Health
- By:james ellison
Hypertension is not an actual illness in itself, but a condition that can make susceptible to the development of other illnesses some of which can be potentially life threatening. The problem with high blood pressure, is that in it's early stages it is very hard to detect and by the time it is discovered some of the damage to other parts of the body such as the heart, kidneys, and lungs has already happened.
Hypertension requires a lifetime of skilled management, and though it cannot be cured, it can be managed very effectively. If found in time, it can be managed by a change in lifestyle rather than medication.
Many doctors are reluctant to prescribe medication for cases of slightly raised blood pressure as the side effects from the drugs can often be worse than the actual problem being cared for. However there is a fine line which has to be weighed between just advising a person about changes in their diet and lifestyle and starting them on appropriate treatment. Therefore high blood pressure requires careful monitoring on a regular basis.
It is important that people realize the consequences of suffering from high blood pressure, and the younger they are the greater the implication of even a small blood pressure rise.
For example, if you are 35 and have a diastolic blood pressure of 100mm, your life expectancy is possibly reduced by approximately 16.5 years. If you are aged 55, this blood pressure anticipates a shortening of life expectancy by 6 years. Therefore it is pressing that all age groups re-evaluate their lifestyles etc, with those in the younger group taking imperative action to improve their blood pressure thus improving their life expectancy.
There are different thoughts between doctors on whether they should treat patients with hypertension of all ages with medication or only those within a certain age group. Many doctors will treat hypertensive patients of all ages with appropriate medication, while others will only treat those below the age of 65. This is usually because of the associated dangers of treating older people with certain drugs and also because there are some studies which question the benefits of treating high blood pressure with specific kinds of medication in older people.
This is why doctors are so eager to see people try and reduce their blood pressure naturally by lifestyle changes which include changing their eating habits and eating less saturated fats and salt, losing weight for those who are obese and conducting more exercise.
Even if a person cannot stop taking his medication entirely, he will probably find his dosage can be greatly reduced thus reducing the questionable side effects associated with the medication they are prescribed.
Disorders affiliated with hypertension consist of two types; the first one is the result of longstanding abnormally high pressure within the arteries over a period of time and includes heart and kidney failure and stroke. The second disorder is brought on by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can be expedited by high blood pressure and causes coronary heart disease and peripheral vascular disorders.
About the author:
Jim's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. Jim's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. You can learn more of hypertension or high blood pressure by visiting: