Is Glaucoma Bothering You?

By:louise forrest

There are many problems that can occur with our eyes, and most of the time if we look after them well enough, we can prevent any future problems. However, there are times when certain conditions creep up on you without you even noticing. One of these conditions is Glaucoma.

So what exactly is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a really nasty group of eye diseases which sneak up on us and rob us of our sight before we even know what has happened. The problem with Glaucoma is that it is not easy to detect it in its early stages and often when it is detected it has already done irreversible damage. If any damage has been done to the sight due to Glaucoma, it cannot be restored and any loss of vision is down to the optic nerve being damaged.

Angle Closure Glaucoma

Otherwise known as Acute Glaucoma, Angle Closure Glaucoma is rarer than Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and it happens a lot quicker too. Again, it occurs when the drainage canals become blocked and the eye pressure rises really quickly.

The iris is not as open and wide as it should be with this type of Glaucoma, and the outer edge of the iris bunches over the drainage canals when the pupil enlarges too quickly or too much. An example of this happening could be when you walk into a dark room.

Symptoms with this kind of Glaucoma include headaches, nausea and eye pain.

There are other types of Glaucoma which are less common including Childhood glaucoma. This is usually found in infants and children under the age of one. It is extremely rare and is usually inherited. It occurs when the drainage canal in the canal is incorrectly developed and it increases intraocular pressure which in turn damages the optic nerve. Symptoms for this kind of Glaucoma include cloudiness of the cornea and enlarged eyes.

Who is more at Risk of Glaucoma and how can it be treated?

Glaucoma can affect anyone at any age, though it is thought that people over the age of sixty are more at risk. Also Steroid users, people with diabetes and hypertension can all be contributing factors.

Treatment does vary and surgery is often the most common way of restoring sight in the early stages of Glaucoma. For childhood Glaucoma, Surgery or medical treatments such as eye drops, may be used. With Angle Closure Glaucoma, surgery is used to remove a small part of the iris to unblock the drainage canals.

So overall, the best advice is to have regular eye check ups, and if you do notice anything different, it is always best to get it checked out right away. Catching Glaucoma early is essential so do not be afraid to book yourself an eye examination just to be on the safe side!

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