Is using breast enhancement serum, a safer alternative to surgery?

By:Julie Walker

As woman's body will produce hormones known as estrogens during puberty. This hormone determines the size, shape and fullness of a woman's breasts. Lower levels of these hormones due to lack of nutrition will result in smaller less developed breasts.

Using Breast Enhancement serum is a safer alternative to surgery. Breast Serum usually contains phytoestrogens, which can hormone level and have shown to be responsible for positive effects like lowering the incidence of female related cancer and promote hormone balance. Thus, it stimulates your body to produce new breast tissue growth, resulting in bigger, firmer and fuller breasts.

Pueraria Mirifica herb contains one of the best Phytoestrogen, here's why:

"Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol " is very different from otherphytoestrogen, as it posses highest estrogenic activity among the known phyto-estrogens due to structural similarity to estradial, (Estradiol is the main human estrogen which can be found in all women who are at the stage of nursing baby (Lactating); as you may notice that all women who are in this stage, their breast will enlarge and gain firmness for feeding purpose.

Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol Can Only Be Found In Pueraria Mirifica!

But not every Pueraria Mirifica are created equal, they varies from species to species and the growing conditions.

There are more than 13 species of Pueraria Mirifica and most of them are called "Pueraria Mirifica" or "Kwao Krua Kao" but this doesn't mean that they are the same, they may look same in the appearance but they produce different results.

The only way to differentiate their difference is to measure the amount of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol contain inside the roots of Pueraria Mirifica. An elaborate and expensive test need to be carry out in specialized laboratory to certify the actual amount of Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol found in any specific type of Pueraria Mirifica. And not many company would sent their Pueraria Mirifica for such stringent test. Majority of the Pueraria Mirifica products found in the market are made from roots collected from villagers in the forests. And these villagers will be the ones that do the peeling, grinding, and the drying in their homes. Nobody can assure the sanitation, the quality and the amount of Miroestrol found in these Pueraria Mirifica powder.

Many foreign companies who have long settled in Thailand even open small shops to purchase the plant from villagers. If such practices is not would think of nothing but money.

Above content with special thanks to Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start". It describes and details the most important breast enhancement techniques from every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each breast enhancement techniques, in addition to practical information such as how and where to get it, cost involved and more. The ebook version of the book is now available for 56 days review at:

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Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author is included. Julie is the customer service guru of is offering Free Sample, Limited Period Only. Latest Nanotechnology Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate Results In 5 Minutes ... While stock last!