Jacuzzi in Malaga Spain

By:John E Lewis

Advantages of using a modern Jacuzzi in Malaga Spain to help provide the solace and relief from the every day stress of today's modern life. One has only to go back to past times and you will see that of all the various and many leisure options available that taking the waters or visiting a Spa and thereby bathing in hot water often using naturally heated water was one of the most important. The name spa comes of course from the natural Hot Spring found at Spa in Belguim.

The Romans clearly one of the main fore fathers of Europe as we know it today new that the beneficial effects of the water was helpful to their general well being. This was in Roman Times a key daily activity for men of every class and indeed for many women. Personal bathing today is considered very much a private activity carried out in ones home but bathing in Roman times was of course very much a communal activity carried out usually in public baths. One has only to see and look at the Roman Baths that survive today to understand that in many ways they resemble the health spas of today although one imagines and hopes that they perhaps they were not so expensive.

The acceptance of this form of communal bathing as the main event in daily life belongs in many ways to the Roman way of doing things and it has to be said that at the very height of the Roman Empire, the term taking the waters or visiting thermal baths embodied the ideal way of urban life in Roman Times. Many Romans were able to set up a bath house in their own town house or especially in their country villas, even heating various rooms or perhaps an independent building built especially for this very purpose. However even so these Romans who must have been wealthy to be able to afford such luxury would more often than not attend the various facilities available to the public in the various towns and cities that existed at that time throughout the Roman Empire.

Even so it was very much the case that these small bathhouses, which in many cases may well have been privately owned, were often actually available to the public usually for a fee which was often quite reasonable.

The very large public baths, were owned of course by the state and often covered in terms of space the equivalent today of several large city blocks. The fees payable for both types of baths were in the main quite reasonable, and usually within the budget of most free Roman males. As the typical Roman workday would start at dawn work was often completed by the early afternoon. About 2:00-3:00 pm, it was the custom that men would visit the baths and often plan to stay for several hours being engaged in sport, bathing, and general conversation, usually after which they would be well rested and relaxed to enjoy dinner. Today whilst you cannot go and enjoy a roman bath so easily you can still get a similar and indeed if not better form of relaxation that is both Hydro therapy and Hydro massage from a Hot Tub or Jacuzzi Style Spa.

The Hydro Therapy mixture of warm soothing water mixed with massage and buoyancy helps to deliver a sensation that relaxes the mind and body, but also helps to soothe and heal.

With properly designed jets strategically placed in the Hot Tub Jacuzzi Style Spa for maximum benefit, each & every Hot Tub offers supreme therapeutic support in a carefree setting. The Spa treatment Increases blood flow and aids circulation, reducing & relieving muscle strain, soreness, pressure and tension throughout your body. Clearly something that the Romans were very well aware of.

About the author:
The author Jacuzzi John supplies luxury Hot Tubs from Estepona on the Costa Del Sol In Spain and for more information his web site is at http://hot-tub-spain.com