Jesus healed both the deaf and the dumb in Bible versus Quran
- By:Dr. Ibrahim Khalil
The Last verse in chapter (35) of the Old Testament talks about Isaac died and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
The Last verse in chapter (35) of the New Testament talks about Jesus made both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
The Last verse in chapter (35) of the Noble Quran talks about if Allah wants to take mankind to task for what they have acquired, of acts, disobedience and sins; He would not leave on the earth, a single creature. But He reprieves them to an appointed term, namely, to the Day of Resurrection. And when their term comes they will know that Allah is ever Seer of His servants, and so He will requite them according to their deeds, rewarding the believers and punishing the disbelievers. Also, the verse indicates that the soil microbes are the cause of life on the earth.
Old Testament:
Chapter 35 in the Old Testament is Genesis (35); it is composed of 29 verses.
The Last verse is that number 29
It says:
Genesis 35: 29 (King James Version)
29)" And Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, and was gathered unto his people, being old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him."
The verse is talking about Isaac died and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
New Testament:
Chapter 35 in the New Testament is Mark 7; it is composed of 37 verses.
The Last verse is that number 37
It says:
Mark 7: 37 (King James Version)
37) " And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak".
The verse is talking about Jesus made both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
The Noble Quran:
Chapter 35 in the Noble Quran is FATIR (THE ANGELS); it is composed of 45 verses.
The Last verse is that number 45
It says:
FATIR 35: 45
45) " If Allah should take people to task for what they have earned (if Allah were to punish men according to what they deserve), he would not leave a single living creature (on the back of the earth)! But, he is deferring them to a named time. And when their time comes, indeed, Allah is the ever seer of his servants (He knows what they deserve in the afterlife!)"
The verse is talking about if Allah wants to take mankind to task for what they have acquired, of acts, disobedience and sins; He would not leave on the earth, a single creature. But He reprieves them to an appointed term, namely, to the Day of Resurrection. And when their term comes they will know that Allah is ever Seer of His servants, and so He will requite them according to their deeds, rewarding the believers and punishing the disbelievers. Also, the verse indicates that the soil microbes are the cause of life on the earth.
In addition, the verse gives a very deep scientific meaning; it is simply that the soil microbes are the cause of life on the earth. Without soil microbes, then there are no plants, and then there are no animals and man.
If Allah wants to punish mankind for their disobedience and sins, He would not leave on the earth, a single creature (He will take off all the soil Microbes). Now, we can appreciate well this strict warning. Such deep scientific meaning is not found in the Bible!
Back to the main issue of my series of articles; this is my question to you smart readers: "Is the Quran quoted from the Bible?"
About the author:
Professor Dr. Ibrahim Khalil
Prof. of Clinical and Chemical Pathology,
Head of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Control Unit,
Ain-Shams University., Egypt.
And, President of The Egyptian Society of Inventors.
Member of the Egyptian union of Writers