Jetlag - Control With Ayurveda

By:tom alter

Jetlag is a common issue for people who fly a lot. The reason is the different time zones of the different countries. When a human body is delocalized to another time zone, it takes time to adjust to the new routine. Most importantly, the sleeping times undergo a change. Due to this the person may feel disoriented. This situation is known as jetlag.

Different people respond differently to jetlag. Some of them may be totally unsynchronized for a few days, while in some others, there may be no changes felt at all. Jetlag is very commonly felt in the first few times a person travels. As the person becomes more experienced in travel, effects of the jetlag become less and less obvious.

The common symptoms of jetlag are as follows:-
1 Excessive sleepiness and fatigue
2 Disinterest in the surroundings
3 Unable to concentrate
4 Feelings of nausea and vomiting
5 Giddiness and dizziness
6 Muscular pains and aches
7 Indigestion and heartburn

It is found that children suffer less from jetlag. This may be because the body clock of children is not yet rigidly set to fixed routines. People who obey fixed time patterns in their life find it very difficult to adapt to jetlags. Another aspect of jetlag is that it is felt more when flying from the west to the east as the person is then losing time.

In Ayurveda, jetlag is classified as a vata dosha disorder. Vata is the air element which also governs the external environment as it affects the human body. Thus, when a person travels from one time zone to another, the vata is vitiated.

There are some good methods that Ayurveda prescribes in order to control jetlag. The following are some of them:-

1. At high altitudes, the humidity is low. Hence the body tends to get dehydrated when flying. In order to prevent this dehydration, you must drink sufficient water during the flight. Have one glass of water for each hour of the flight. In order to make the best use of water, add some amount of licorice, cardamom, cinnamon or ginger to it.

2. Do not consume alcohol during the flight. Alcohol tends to dehydrate the body faster than any other substance.

3. A couple of days before leaving for the flight have a heavy meal that is rich in protein. This will build up tenacity of the body in order to face the flight and the new time zone.

4. During air travel, there is a high possibility that the free radicals in your body may be depleted. To maintain their proper amount, you must take supplements containing vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. The following foods contain these vitamins in good amounts:-
a) Vitamin A – All orange and yellow colored vegetables are good sources of vitamin A. Carrots are the best sources, followed by pumpkins and fruits like mangoes and papayas.
b) Vitamin C – The Indian Gooseberry, amalaki, is the best source of vitamin C. Apart from it, vitamin C is also found in all green and leafy vegetables and in fruits with a sour taste.
c) Vitamin E – Vitamin E is present in almost all foodstuffs. Hence its deficiency is not a major problem.

1. There are some good massaging techniques you can use while on the flight to ensure you alight feeling fresh.
a) With your first two fingers of each hand, apply circular pressures on the temple. This will unlock the channels of the nerves leading to the brain and will make you feel fresh.
b) Cup your cheeks in the palms of your hands. Keep your eyes closed and relax. This method will ensure that your cheeks do not puff out when you alight.
c) Lightly tug at your earlobes and apply circular pressure on them. By doing this, you will ensure that sinus pressure does not build up. This will also prevent nosebleeds during the flight.
d) Massaging your entire body before you leave for the flight helps greatly. Use oils that are aromatic for that lingering fresh fragrance. You can use an aromatherapy massage with one part of sandalwood oil mixed in twenty parts of coconut oil. Get an expert to do the massage so that all the vital points of the body are massaged.

2 Time management can also help to reduce the malaise caused by jetlags. Arrange your schedule so that you land in the mid-evening. This will give you some time to orient yourself to the new time-zone before it is time to retire for the day. You can have a hearty dinner which will induce sleep for the night.

3 Finally, you must keep yourself active during the trip. Do not remain sitting for the entire duration of the flight if it’s a long journey. This will cramp your muscles and you will get aches when you disembark. Shuffle your hands and feet as much as you can while sitting.

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