Know Malignant Hypertension Before It Hits You

By:martin closer

Malignant Hypertension is caused by a severe rise in blood pressure, which refuses to come down. This condition occurs when the diastolic blood pressure shoots up above 120 mm Hg. Why this characteristic rise or increase in blood pressure takes place is still a mystery.

Malignant hypertension is very common among the people of African origin. It is also found to effect heavy smokers. Those who suffer from high blood pressure are prone to this horrible disease. Youngsters, children and pregnant women, too, are vulnerable to it. Therefore, there is no age group or category of people who are completely immune to it.
Since bringing down malignant hypertension is very difficult, it has a potential to damage some of our vital organs irreparably. The organs that usually get damaged are the heart, brain, eyes, kidneys and blood vessels.

The persons, struggling with malignant hypertension, may exhibit certain definite complaints. Headache and vomiting are frequent symptoms. Cases of confessional periods and less urinary discharge are not rare. Arms, legs and some other areas may experience abnormal sensations, and one may suffer from blurred vision. Malignant hypertension brings restlessness and anxiety. Sluggishness and poor concentration is also experienced by some. Acute weakness is felt and one may suffer from frequent chest pain and breathing problems with or without a cough.

What course would malignant hypertension take is rather unpredictable with the danger of injury to vital organs running high. The consequences could be life threatening, especially in case of the old and infirm.

A very careful approach is required for the treatment of malignant hypertension because if the blood pressure is suddenly lowered it may produce serious adverse effects. This sudden change is as dangerous as high blood pressure kept at a very high level for a long time uncontrolled. With the assistance of a well-qualified doctor, the high-pressure level should be brought down slowly. It doesn’t matter even if it takes several days to decrease the level, but it must be gradual. Carefully prescribed anti-hypertensive medicines should be administered to the patient. Total bed rest provides the much-needed relief and peace to the blood pressure strugglers.

Treated promptly and carefully, this disorder can be controlled to a large extent. When it comes to the malignant hypertension, the demarcation between life and death is actually very thin and feeble. Therefore, every possible care must be taken to get the blood pressure under control.

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