Kwang Yul Cha M.D. will contribute his whole fortune for stem cell research
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Kwang Yul Cha, the president of the Pochon Cha University said, "After dying, people contribute their whole fortune to university, institute or hospital in abroad. I'll also contribute my whole fortune for stem cell research." "I staked all my fortune for stem cell research." Kwang yul Cha added.
Gangnam CHA General Hospital, Pochon Cha University, CHA Fertility Center in Los Angeles, Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Angeles and CHA Columbia Infertility Research Center in New York are owned by CHA Medical Group. Kwang Yul Cha who is leading the CHA Medical Group is the eldest son of Kyung Sub Cha, the executive of Pochon Cha University.
"The value of stem cell research still stands. The Korean Government supported only Woo-suk Hwang to research stem cell before. But after Hwang Woo-suk's stem cell fraud scandal, they haven't supported any researchers for the research of stem cell. This can't be make any advance."
Few days ago, CHA Medical Group, lead by Kwang Yul Cha, announced that they input hundred billions of dollar to 'Pangyo Techno Valley.' It is scheduled to open in 2010. After Stem cell institute is completed, it will be equipped with Lab to Patient System which can pursue clinical demonstration at Bundang CHA Hospital immediately from latest research. CHA BIOTECH, an affiliated organization of CHA Medical Group, already centered around the research of cord blood and stem cell.
Recently, 'The First International Stem Cell Symposium'(Chairman: Kwang yul Cha) held under the sponsorship of the Pochon CHA University in Sheraton Wallkerhill Hotel Convention Hall. 22 world's leaders in the various field of stem cell research participated and read a paper at the International Stem Cell Symposium. This network will get superior ability of Korean researchers and strengthen the complementary cooperation. So it will revitalize the stem cell
research in Korea finally. "Combination of Hospital and University will help the development of biotechnology in Korea. The Capable researcher is a kernel of research. Talented person is our hope after all."
Pochon Cha University(representative: Kwang Yul Cha M.D.) hired 10 new researchers in this year. So they are having 70 researchers who are newly hired including researchers at professor's office. Last year Prof. Kim Kwang-soo at Harvard Medical School was already appointed the chief of joint research and a chair-professor at the Pochon CHA University. And they have plan to make use of the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Angeles and the CHA Columbia Infertility Research Center in New York as the hub of stem cell research.
Kwang Yul Cha sail, "There are few nations like Korea that has wide experiences and know-how and stem cell research in Korea is the world-class already." And kwang Yul Cha stressed, "Although it will take 5~10 years to put the theory in practice, it's not a long time in comparison with the value of stem cell research."About the author:
Kwang Yul Cha-, the president of the Pochon Cha University, is a South Korean medical doctor, an internationally known fertility specialist.