Lasik Laser Surgery: Change The Way You Look At This World

By:Arvind Singh

LASIK Laser surgery are amongst the most widely acceptable procedures available today which are meant for vision correction. And what more, its popularity is actually increasing with each passing day. To explain what LASIK actually means, keep on reading here. It is surely going to help your eyes. LASIK surgery is a medical terminology which stands for Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis.

In LASIK Laser surgery, Laser beam which are man made waves, are used in here as a vision correction tool. Laser was actually meant for making computer chips but its application in ophthalmologic industry was soon discovered by Dr. Stephen Trokel. It is a condensed beam of ultraviolet light which is focused on the affected eye area where the abnormality lies. It works by reshaping the corneal surface.

LASIK eye surgery proves fruitful in correcting vision problems such as hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. But such vision problems such as presbyopia cannot be treated at least by this procedure as it comes under a dissimilar causal base. It is an age related abnormality where muscles of the eye get weak, and the eye lens get thicker, thus it requires a different application procedure of eye treatment.

The demand of LASIK Laser surgery is actually soaring each day because of the many advantages that it comes with. It never takes more than twenty minutes for the entire surgery procedure to finish. But it is always beneficial to reach your clinic one hour before the scheduled time of surgery. It helps you get prepared for the surgery, both physically and mentally. Your doctor gives you medication such as Valium if you are feeling anxious. Anesthetic drops are put in your eyes before the surgery is started. It makes them insensitive for a while and you do not feel any pain. Unlike common perception, laser beam does not make you feel any heat in the eyes. It reaches only to a microscopic depth, creating its magic only at the corneal surface.

Coming back to the advantages of choosing LASIK laser surgery over other vision correcting options is that it comes with minimal complications. Problem arises only when some grossly wrong procedure has been adapted by your eye surgeon. Otherwise, it does not cause anything more than a little numbness or dryness of eyes. So what are you still thinking, just go ahead and get yourself an all new LASIK vision for a better tomorrow!

About the author:
LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Laser Surgery has been designed to change the shape of cornea to correct the defect. Know more about Lasik Cost.