Let your eyes speak about you

By:syed quadri

Contact lenses are from 4 types: single vision, bifocal, trifocal and progressive. Lenses can have many shapes, but the most common of them are convex-concave for myopia and biconvex for presbyopia.You can choose cosmetic lenses, for changing your eyes color, and you even can have lenses with different effects. Those kinds of lenses are used especially on Halloween, in theaters, or in movies, and they do not need any special attention. You just have to ask the ophtholmologists advice and clean them regularly.The most common contact lenses are the disposable ones. They must be replaced at 2 weeks, or even sooner with a new pair of lenses, so that your eyes be healthier, and because lipids, and proteins and calcium that are found in tears can harm your lenses.Depending on schedules, lenses are with daily wearing and that means that you have to remove them before going to sleep, and lenses with extended wearing, that means you can wear them overnight. Lenses from silicone hydrogel are the ones with the most advanced wearing, till 30 days, day and night carrying.The only cause that you can make an infection is the improper cleaning. You must respect the doctors’ advices, and you mustn’t ignore any aspect of his prescription. Even if contact lenses are much more useful than glasses, you are not allowed to wear them in environments with smoke, dust, paint vapors, and you can’t swim either, during their wearing.Some signs that should make you to visit an ophthalmologist are: red and painful eyes, a feeling that always is something in your eyes, your eyes are dry, you can’t see well, or you had got some allergies. If you do not consult an ophthalmologist, your problems can get worst. There are remedies for all these problems, such as: artificial tears, nutritional supplements, punctual occlusion, or contact lenses for dry eyes.In these days there millions and million of people who are wearing contact lenses from different reasons, for correcting sight problems, or for changing their eyes color, getting a new look. If you respect all the doctors’ conditions, you won’t have any problems in wearing contact lenses. Lenses can give you self-confidence, can make you look better, so there is no reason why you cannot wear them. Besides that, you will feel much more comfortable with lenses, than with glasses.

About the author:
Ron Myers is the publisher of My Contact Lens news letter.
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