Losing Job in Houston, Texas
- By:Bob Taylor Taylor
What are the Health Insurance Options for People who lose their job in Houston, Texas?
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 established what is known as COBRA. COBRA is a health insurance that is available to a person who has lost their job. COBRA allows people to remain covered under their former employers insurance plan for 18 months. It is usually the first health insurance coverage a person considers when they lose their job.
Texas has established their own health coverage for employees who lose their jobs and do not qualify for COBRA or are past the 18 month limit. They allow people to be covered for 6 months under their former employers health plan and for those on COBRA, allows them plus 6 months of coverage, past the 18 month limit.
In Houston, Texas residents have a few different options in health insurance when they have lost their job. Equal are four main benefitial options from which to choose. These benefitial options all offer health insurance that people can afford and fairly easy to get.
Another option is the Texas health insurance risk pool. When a person has exhausted any rights under COBRA or Texas continuation rights they can try to the Texas health insurance risk pool. There are some requirements, though for this health insurance plan. A person must have had insurance coverage for the previous 18 months with no break in coverage exceeding 63 days.
Lastly, for those who have exhausted all other options there is the TexCare Partnership. TexCare Partnership offers Texas families health insurance calculated upon the size of the family and their income.
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Believing in good balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, drinking enough water, meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and trying to be happy.