Major advancement in Acid Reflux Treatment

By:Raymond Harper

An amazing new device developed by Endogastric Solutions Incorporated, the EsophyX, is set to revolutionise the treatment of Acid Reflux Disease or GERD. This new device is expected to change the lives of many patients who until now had anticipated having to take heartburn medication for the rest of their lives. This treatment is a major advancement in the evolution of surgery for acid reflux.

Normally the stomach contents are retained in the stomach by a valve called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES for short. This valve opens to allow food to pass into the stomach when swallowing, and then closes to prevent the contents from re-entering the esophagus.

The stomach contains acid which is used as part of the digestive system to break down food before passing it into the small intestine. The stomach acid is very corrosive but is not a problem when everything is working correctly. However if for some reason the stomach contents are regurgitated (flow back into the esophagus), which is not equipped to deal with this, the result is painful and uncomfortable. The acid burns the esophageal lining which is when we get heartburn.

Most people suffer heartburn on occasion but if it happens on a frequent basis this turns to GERD which is a chronic illness. The main cause of acid reflux is when the LES is weakened or damaged or if you are suffering from a Hiatus Hernia any of these can prevent the sphincter (valve) from closing properly thus allowing the acidic contents of the stomach to backflow into the esophagus. In some cases the valve is completely absent.

The condition can lead to chronic inflammation of the esophagus and further complications can arise and lead to major damage. In severe cases if left untreated a precancerous condition called Barretts Esophagus, where the cells of the esophagus change may occur and cancer of the esophagus could follow.

The LES is a ring of muscle between the stomach and the esophagus and can be affected by several abnormalities. If the muscular contractions of the LES are weak it allows stomach contents to reflux into the esophagus. A second problem is abnormal relaxation of the LES called transient LES relaxations, they are abnormal in that they do not occur when swallowing and can last for a number of minutes, and this can be brought about by certain foods, with smoking being another contributing factor. A third problem is when a Hiatal Hernia is present. A Hiatal Hernia is when part of the stomach pushes up through the diaphragm. It can alter the position of the diaphragm and stop the LES from closing correctly.

GERD is on of the most common diseases in the western society and in the US alone over 60 million people experience heartburn at least once a month. GERD is more frequent as we get older and 60, with most patients having excellent relief from acid reflux although some still require taking medication for reflux to some degree.

Some of the problems that can arise from surgery include ‘gas bloating syndrome’ where, if the surgery is too tight this can lead to cramps and some pain. Another potential problem can be pain or difficulty in swallowing, another is the inability to burp or vomit.

This brings us to the latest technology EsophyX the newest and most effective treatment for GERD. This pioneering new system developed by Endogastric Solutions Inc.uses trans-oral endoscopy techniques. Thus the instruments are passed through the mouth to the stomach using an endoscope

This clever device allows Gastroenterologists and Surgeons to mould what is essentially a new valve using a small section of the stomach tissue. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic but involves no surgery; instead, an endoscope – which is a long tube with a camera attached – is passed via the mouth into the stomach, the stomach is inflated with air to allow room for manoeuvre then the EsophyX is passed via the mouth, establishes the correct position, and reduces any hiatal hernia if one is present. Then special tools construct a new anti-reflux barrier valve using tissue from the stomach and also uses special fastening technology to position the valve at the correct angle.

The new valve is a flap of tissue 3 to 5 cm thick at the base of the esophagus and will prevent stomach acid reflux; this flap of tissue is then stitched into place. There is no surgery or incisions involved and there are no permanently implanted objects used. Also using EsophyX does not have the adverse affects associated with conventional surgery.
The procedure takes about thirty minutes and is done under local anaesthetic and does not involve further hospitalization.

By using this method the cause of GERD is treated at the source, unlike medication which only relieves the symptoms, and usually patients can lead a normal life free of acid reflux medication.
In a follow up on patients preliminary results show that 92 of the patients had still not taken any medication.