Managing Fibromyalgia Fatigue

By:Paula Wozniak

When it comes to managing fibromyalgia fatigue there is no one better qualified than you to know what works and what doesn't.

The first thing you should do when faced with a fibromyalgia diagnosis is to learn as much about the condition as you can. The more you know, the more successfully you will be in managing the symptoms associated with it, like fatigue.

Luckily, there are a lot of informative resources available on the internet that offer helpful advice on how to best deal with your FMS symptoms. There are specific steps you can take to manage the extreme and debilitating fatigue most sufferers experience with fibromyalgia. Your doctor can also make suggestions and even prescribe medications that will help you get the sleep your body needs every night to be able to function and fight this mysterious, frustrating and complex condition.

An important step you can take to manage your symptoms effectively is to develop a new nutrition and exercise plan for yourself. These two components are the main factors that will help to create the best treatment plan possible in order for you to manage your fatigue as well as the other symptoms associated with this syndrome. The plan that you have, and which your doctor will help you to devise, will be designed specifically for you and no one else. Since no two people experience fibromyalgia in the same way, no two people will have the same treatment plan. As you develop your plan and come up with your own ways to manage the fatigue and other symptoms, you will make adjustments to it over time as you figure out what works for you the best.

For example, you may discover that reading in bed stimulates you rather than relaxes you and, therefore, adds to your restless sleep which translates into not feeling rested in the morning. You may try, instead, to listen to relaxation tapes. Our website ( lists several tips on steps you can take to help you get a better night's sleep and feel more rested in the morning.

It can't be stressed enough the role exercise plays in treating the fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. By not exercising, you can cause further damage especially to your muscles as well as increasing the amount of exhaustion and even pain that you are feeling. Studies show that patients who exercise on a regular basis and successfully follow their nutrition plan experience a better night's sleep and, therefore, minimize the fatigue and restless sleep they experienced before they incorporated exercise into their treatment.

Normally your doctor will suggest that when starting a new exercise routine you start off very slowly and gradually build up what you do and how much time you spend doing it.

For example, it's best to start off by exercising for about 2 minutes each day. Until you know what your body can tolerate, you could do gentle stretching or water exercise. As you get more in tuned with your body you can add another minute on to the time you spend exercising each day.

As time progresses you'll find that you are able to manage your fibromyalgia fatigue as well as the other symptoms associated with this particular condition much better when you establish a routine you can live with and follow on a regular basis.

Before beginning any exercise regime for fibromyalgia you should first discuss your plan with your doctor.

About the author:
For more information on managing fibromyalgia fatigue visit us online at, a popular website that provides tips, advice and resources on fibromyalgia and fibromyalgia treatment.