Massage Tables
- By:royak massage
For those who have already discovered it, massage is just about the nicest thing on the planet. Better than chocolate, better than …pizza. It's a great way to feel better, look better, treat people better and treat yourself better, too.
It's 100% good for you, with no artificial additives or ingredients and it's easy to do. One of the best things about massage is that you don't need a lot of fancy expensive equipment to get or give one. All you really need to get started is a human body.
Do you have one? Great! Than you are ready to go.
Being a massage junkie myself I find it difficult to imagine why anybody would not want to get a massage anytime, anyplace, for any reason or for no reason at all.
The comfort, warmth and reassurance of touch can improve the body's well being by stimulating its own natural healing abilities giving a sense of well being, restoring both - the physical and psychological self.
In a neutral environment our bodies are well equipped to deal with short - term stress situations and the imbalances they create. Balance is restored to the systems of the body in a repeating cycle of physiological move and counter move.
Long-term stress inhibits the balancing process by denying the body the opportunity and interrupting the cycle. Chronic long-term stress, often self-imposed by modern work pressures, economic and social aspirations coupled with environmental stress of urban living maintain imbalance with all its attendant problems.
Massage offers the ultimate solution to these damaging effects of accumulated stress and aid in harmonizing a troubled body and mind.
Touch is a simple mean of communication, comfort and something what we all do quite naturally. With a little willingness and commitment this 'natural' talent can be turned into a creative skill.
Regular massage strengthens and tones the entire body system. It can stimulate or alternately calm the nervous system, help to ease tension, stiffness and pain leaving the recipient with an enhanced sense of well being.
A healing art as old and as cross-cultural as massage has bred many techniques and approaches. So many modalities that many massage therapists - experienced and well trained in most techniques - may not know them all.
Often the same technique is practiced quite differently by different massage therapists. And sometimes the same technique has different names! Or the name, as for instance in Swedish massage, is a misnomer - Swedish massage was simply developed by Per Ling, a Swede who traveled in the East!
It wouldn't surprise a savvy consumer like you to hear that more than 80% of the so-called "bodywork" modalities have been developed in the 20th century - the era of marketing, marketing, and marketing. Registration of a technique and its marketing has become a lucrative business proposition. Hey, we live in an entrepreneurial age . . . and that sort of thing is understandable.
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