Medical Tourism on the Rise

By:Chris Billington

Medical tourism sounds very contemporary though, but the truth is that it has been
around for a number of years now. It implies seeking the application of the best in
medical and healthcare services beyond the boundaries of any one particular country.
The arrangement is very informal between the healthcare provider and the customer. The
communication is to the point and related only to the very essential connection and
contract. The procedure,since it is personal choice, involves minimal
regulatory or legal oversight to assure quality. Since the medical assistance is
sought 'beyond the physical boundaries', it comes with limited recourse to

reimbursement or redress, if at all the need arises. In other words, 'Medical tourism' or health tourism involves traveling
for surgery abroad and to obtain the required medical or dental care. The term
‘ Medical Tourism’ was initially coined by travel agencies and the media. It was
intended to be a catchall phrase to describe a rapidly growing industry where people
travel overseas, to obtain medical care. The naturally associated leisure aspect of
traveling may be included on such a medical travel trip. This type of tourism includes
l services; inclusive of elective procedures and complex specialised surgeries.
The ability to travel abroad and interact with healthcare professionals
overseas has enabled many to access options in:
- cosmetic surgery
- affordable healthcare
- med spas
- anti aging therapy
- plastic surgery
- spa and wellness programs
- fertility treatment alternatives
- alternative medicines
- Ayurveda and holistic remedies
- Chinese medicine
- health spas
- yoga and homeopathy centers
The dedicated new age approach in overseas healthcare is very beneficial for
knee/hip replacement and heart surgery. The concept of a
medical vacation however, is not a new one. The earliest recorded account of medical
tourism dates back to thousands of years to when Greek pilgrims traveled from all over
the Mediterranean to the sanctuary of the healing god Asklepios. Epidauria, their
destination, became the original travel destination for medical tourism. The
recent increase in popularity within the industry is on account of a combination of
many factors like:
- high cost of healthcare in industrialized nations
- ease and affordability of international travel today
- improvement of technology and standards of care in many countries
- favorable currency exchange rates in the global economy
- rapidly improving technology
- proven safety of healthcare in select foreign nations
Medical tourists are basically people from anywhere in the world, however, research
reveals that the bulk comes from Europe, the United Kingdom, the Middle East and
Japan. Their large populations, comparatively high accessibility of wealth and lack of
local healthcare options has a lot to do with this surge. The reasons behind
egging on the need for medical travel include lower healthcare costs, search for
medical expertise and the quality of care, safety and wait times. Those who advocate
medical tourism have always advised the indulgent and wealthy tourists to balance the
unlikely legal challenges with more practical superior care facilities, before
considering any surgery abroad. Medical tourism is a fantastic blend of the
availability and access to cost effective private medical care and the flourishing
tourism industry. It is aimed at providing a variety of specialized treatments. The
initiative to further the industry is being made by the corporate sector involved in
medical care and those within the tourism industry. Healthcare or Medical tourism also
refers to touring the attractive locales while on treatment. The medical tourism industry is growing so rapidly that
more and more countries and medical centers around the world are beginning to
customize services aimed at the specific segment.

About the author:
Chris Billington frequently writes on different medical topics and he is a regular
writer on Click on for a
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