Mega Boost - A Healthy You

By:Sharon van der Merwe

BREWERS YEAST & SOYA Brewers Yeast contains Vitamins of the B Group, Protein and enzymes. It has long been used as a tonic to improve appetite & digestion, a food supplement for energy and to improve skin condition.

Calcium is one of the most vital body nutriments and is involved in formation ofhair, Collagen, teeth, bones, nerve transmission, heart function, liver function,Kidney function and good skin condition. Research has shown that women in particular over the age of 40 are in dangerof loosing bone calcium so that the bones become pores and brittle as they loose1% of their bone calcium every year unless affective supplements are taken to combat this. Osteoporosis (Brittle Bones) is common amongst women in the 50 age group and if they have not taken Calcium supplements on a regular basis may experience spontaneous fracture of bones or collapse of the spinal cord. This can be prevented by taking Vita Boost Calcium Plus as it contains an easily absorbable form of calcium combined with magnesium,Vitamin D and trace elements to ensure complete and efficient absorption at aneasy one a day dose dosage level.

Nature's potent Nerve building and Nerve calming formula, contains apowerful combination of nerve building Vitamin B group combined withZinc, Ginkgo to improve nerve transmission and Valerian which is natures ultimate nerve calmer. D-STRESS will clear the mind and enable you to think concisely and clearly even under the greatest stress and will assist by improving physical and mental energy levels. Useful in treating people with Alcohol related problems. D-Stress can be taken over a long period of time without fear of addiction of any negative side effects and may be taken in conjunction with most other tranquilizers.

Parsley contains Vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, essential oils, beta carotene& vitamin K.Garlic ( Allium Sativum ) contains allicin and essential oils , and together have been used as a food supplement by patients suffering from immune system disorders including HIV AIDS,allergies bacterial infections , high blood pressure & high cholesterol levels , irregular heart beat , diabetes , anxiety & stress , stomach disorders , skin disorders including psoriasis & warts .

Vitamin C is an essential body nutriment; it is an essential ingredient in the formation of all cellular tissue including collagen. It is also essential for normal immune function. Lack of Vitamin C could cause premature ageing, wrinkling and be a contributory cause of frequent illnesses.A daily dose of one gram dissolved in water will ensure proper immune system function and assist formation of collagen.

Spirulina is the natural extract of a sea plant and contains Vitamin B1 , B2 & B12, protein, iron ,gammalioneolic acid , selenium & caretenoids and has been used as a food supplement by people suffering with HIV AIDS and immune system disorders, allergies, lack of energy / fatigue ,memory enhancement, anxiety and high blood pressure.

This powerful nutritional combination has been used by people suffering from bacterial and viral infections which include Colds and Flu, HIV/AIDS , immune system dysfunction, excess sweating, acne & skin problems, swollen joints & gout, Inflammation , Nerve pain , Kidney complaints , Liver disorders , Insomnia & Migraine headaches. This is a safe and effective formula and recommended as a first option for treating many infections before embarking on a coarse of more powerful allotropic antibiotics

This powerful omni formula combines the nutriment value of the B Compound and Multivitamin Formula , with minerals and promoting energy, strength and good health Also contains Iron and trace elements to boost blood formation. Phannax herbal extract has been used to assist in promoting health , energy and stamina. Take one Mega Boost daily to ensure that you get all the necessary, vital nutriments to ensure optimum good health and energy levels.

About the author:
I am a 43 year old mother of 4, and granny of 1and live in South Africa.I enjoy reading, and spending time with my family. If it is possible for me to do so, i enjoy helping people. I have also had all the ups and downs of life, but we must always look on the bright side and cherish what we have.