Misuse of Medical Equipment

By:Bob Taylor Taylor

When doctors order tests like x-rays and CAT scans they usually only need a simple reason for doing so. Unfortunately, in many cases these types of health care equipment is misused or ordered when it is not really necessary. When this happens a patient ends up paying for a service they should not have had to. The costs alone from misuse of health care equipment is staggering. Not only is it putting a dent in the pockets of patients, but it is also part of the reason for rising health care costs.

Besides the financial side of misuse of health care equipment, there is the health concerns to consider. X-rays, for example, are known to be dangerous. A person is being subjected to radiation which can be profoundly damaging to the body. There is a limit on the recommended number of X-rays a person should receive, but many times when a doctor orders a x-ray, they are unaware of the person s history with getting x-rays. Additionally, x-rays are harmful for pregnant women and for reproductive organs, in general. Too many x-rays can lead to many health problems.

The misuse of health care equipment is something that is likely to go unnoticed. More and more insurance companies, though, are requiring further validation for such uses which may help to end misuse. However, most of the time as long as a doctor deems it necessary, the procedure will continue.

When it comes to medical equipment, x-rays are probably the most used type of health care equipment. In emergency rooms around the country, doctors usually are quick to order an x-ray if the diagnosis is not immediately recognizable. The misuse of health care equipment can lead to many problems for the patient.


About the author:
Believing in good balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, drinking enough water, meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and trying to be happy.