Natural Alternatives to Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

By:groshan fabiola

More and more people these days are confronted with cholesterol problems, being at risk of developing heart affections, atherosclerosis, and various other serious conditions linked with abnormal blood cholesterol values. While in some cases high cholesterol problems are the consequence of genetically inherited or acquired physiological dysfunctions, they are most commonly linked with sedentary lifestyle and inappropriate dietary choices. Despite the fact that cholesterol levels can be kept in check naturally, without the aid of prescription drugs, most people still rely on medications in order to correct their cholesterol problems.

Unless you have dangerously high blood cholesterol values, or your cholesterol problems are the result of other underlying conditions, the best thing to do is say no to medications. Although there is a wide variety of cholesterol-lowering drugs available on the market, and such medications are commonly prescribed in present, it is very important to be aware of the fact that such medications are neither 100 percent effective, nor entirely safe, generating pronounced side-effects on long-term use.

Among the abundance of cholesterol-lowering drugs available in present, the most commonly prescribed medications are statins. Considered to be the best means of correcting cholesterol problems in the past, the effectiveness of such medications is nowadays questionable. Recent medical studies and experiments have revealed that statins generate differentiated results, their effects varying from a person to another. While they are effective in lowering cholesterol among some categories of patients, statins fail to produce substantial benefic results among other categories of patients. Researchers have proved that the efficiency of statins is strongly influenced by factors such as age, gender and even racial provenience, factors that render these medications inappropriate for generalized use.

In addition to their inconstancy in preventing and reducing high cholesterol levels, statins are also considered to be very unsafe, producing various side effects, ranging from mild to serious. Thus, it is best to avoid using such medications when possible and try reversing the effects of high blood cholesterol naturally, by following proper food regimens and making lifestyle improvements. Considering the fact that statins have proved to be by far less effective than they were thought to be, an appropriate diet isn’t only a safer alternative to medications, but it can also produce better results than such prescription drugs.

The three major things you should account for when you want to lower blood cholesterol levels without the aid of medications are:

1) Taking on a more physically active lifestyle. A good level of physical activity has a major positive impact on correcting cholesterol values, reversing the undesirable effects of high blood cholesterol and maintaining cholesterol levels in check. If you simply don’t have the time to practice a certain sport or take part in more demanding physical activities, around 30 minutes of gymnastics or jogging per day are sufficient for keeping cholesterol levels in check.

2) Reducing the intake of foods that are rich in cholesterol and saturated fats. By replacing fast food and processed food products with healthy, home-cooked foods, you will be able to rapidly lower your cholesterol levels and improve your overall health.

3) Introducing more soluble fiber-rich foods in your daily diet. A diet rich in natural fibers is very effective in lowering cholesterol, as vegetal fibers help eliminate excess cholesterol from the body.

Follow these steps and you should be able to maintain healthy cholesterol levels without the aid of cholesterol-lowering medications. When it comes to lowering cholesterol, these natural alternatives are a lot safer and sometimes even more effective than statins and other specific medications.

About the author:
If you want to find great information about many cholesterol subjects like low cholesterol food, low cholesterol food or many more please visit us at