Natural Anxiety Relief and Panic Relief Solutions
- By:abel craig
If you suffer from anxiety and panic you owe it to yourself to find natural anxiety relief and panic relief solutions. While many people experience the disabling symptoms of panic and anxiety each year they often mistakenly believe the only relief can come through prescription medication. Unfortunately, these medications are not always effective and frequently result in unsettling side effects.
There are ways in which anxiety and panic can be effectively treated through natural methods that do not incur such side effects. It should be understood that it does take time to recover; however, through the regular use of these methods you can begin to see a reduction in the severity and frequency of your symptoms quite soon.
One of the first steps that should be taken in handling panic and anxiety attacks through natural means is to give some attention to the thoughts that tend to become your focus during those times when you experience panic attacks. As we know, our thoughts often tend to race erratically as soon as an attack sets in. One of the best ways to begin deescalating a panic attack is to talk yourself out of it. This can be done by reminding yourself that the situation is only temporary and that you will get through it. If you find that you have the same recurring thoughts or fears during an attack it can also be helpful to debunk these thoughts and fears as well. For example, tell yourself:
• I’m not going crazy.
• Nothing bad is going to happen.
• I am not in danger.
• I am in control of this situation.
Another natural method that can be used to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and panic is to distract yourself from the stressful or anxious moment. Try to think about something else entirely. Direct your thoughts toward something calming, positive and soothing.
Other natural anxiety relief and panic relief techniques that can be used include learning and practicing deep breathing exercises. The best way to do this is to spend some time each day practicing these exercises when you are already feeling calm and relaxed because it can be difficult to learn something knew if you are feeling anxious. The next time an occasion arises when you feel anxious you will be better prepared to practice the exercises and benefit from them. Deep breathing exercises will not only help to take your mind off your panic but will also assist in calming symptoms such as difficulty breathing and a racing heartbeat.
Finally, it can also be helpful to distract yourself by talking to someone else when you begin to feel the symptoms of a panic attack coming on. Try to keep a list of names and phone numbers of people you feel comfortable speaking with on you at all times. Keep a list in an easy to access location at home as well as one in your vehicle and your purse or wallet. This is important because you may not be able to remember even familiar names and numbers in the midst of an attack.
While it will take time, through regular practice of these natural anxiety relief and panic relief solutions you can begin to recover.About the author:
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