Nose infection and Cold
- By:Rachel Broune
An infection localized in the nose. Usually characterized by repeated sneezing and the discharge of fluid from the nose. Sometimes accompanied by matted fur on the inside of the front feet. It is the term used to describe decreased functioning of an organ system and presents as any of the following: body aches, chills, poor circulation, fatigue, lack of appetite, loose stools or diarrhea, poor digestion, pain in the joints, slow movements and speech, aversion to cold. Colds are caused by many different viruses.
Mostly time is the best cure. But as for medicines and stuff to make you feel better, if you drink a cup of tea with one or two drops of red thyme in it, that always clears the sinuses and kills some of the germs to make you feel better. Of course, it tastes hideous and smells even worse. But it always shortens the lives of colds for me.
Usually Tylenol/Advil will help for body aches. Warm tea if you have honey add a little. Brandy is good for coughing. Breathe hot steam to open up the sinuses. Don't wipe your noise frequently cause it will get your nose broken.
Make some warm soup and put some tobasco in it. The tobasco sauce will help clear the sinuses and the steam from the soup helps keep the mucous membranes moiste.
Get some high potency Vitamin C - powdered form from the health food store is generally better than Vitamin C tablets. I take up to 10,000mg a day when sick but this much can upset some peoples stomachs. Vitamin C, especially with bioflavinoids is best, but the Chinese have been treating colds for centuries. There is a simple point at the base of the thumb (palm up), about a finger's width up from the wrist crease and in line with the index finger which should be tender when pressed. Use the right hand for treating current colds and the left hand for colds coming on. Rub this area for 30 seconds to a minute whenever you think of it. Do it well and the cold will be gone in 72 hrs or less.
There are other supplements you can take at the same time that boost immunity, like Echinacea, but Vitamin C is the most effective. Cold tablets help to control symptoms, citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are a good source of natural vitamin c, honey and lemon hot drinks are great for sore throats and chicken noodle soup is good too.
If you get a cold and have it for a day or two and have not taken the Nucleotides, you can still get rid of the cold, but it will take a day or two longer and you will need to take the capsules every waking hour for about 2 to 3 days max and the cold will be gone.
The body has a balance requirement to be healthy. If you take single element synthetic vitamins, you will create an imbalance that will damage your body, not help you. All the pills made in the U.S. contain Magnesium Stearate that is added to bind the ingredients. They put at least 5% of the total milligrams listed on the bottle of this in. It is an immune suppressant and inhibits the absorption of nutrients up to 80%! They also have "talc" residue on the pills that is from the machines that make them. This is a known carcinogen! Additionally, most pill guys use silica as a filler.
Green Tea is a great remedy for the common cold, the anti-oxidants help relieve the symptoms. Another thing to use is "Activated Charcoal" which is a alternative herbal remedy that helps not just the common cold but other irregularities within the body at the same time. Just add a teaspoon to 12 ounces of water and drink it, its tasteless but has a little residue feeling in the mouth, but trust me it helps.About the author:
Rachel Broune writes articles for Cold Home Remedies . He also writes for How to get rid of Cold and Alternative Medicines