Not enough energy to get through your day, week?

By:Cylon Smithton

What can be done, and in a reasonable amount of time, to give your body a chance to function the way it was intended? Let’s face it, in this busy world we live in, we don’t get enough exercise, enough nutrition, or even practice any kind of stress management on any sort of schedule, and in some cases, not at all.

There are three main components to a healthy lifestyle, Eat right, Supplement, and Exercise. All three are essential to your body getting enough fuel to function and burn off the extra of what we don’t need. Here are a few tips to help get you started.


Eating healthily will also help you shift a few pounds if you’re overweight, and you’ll feel fantastic because your energy levels will soar. False highs from caffeine and sugar leave you feeling low afterwards. It’s easy to eat too much of the wrong foods because they are convenient and seemingly cheaper. A healthy balanced diet can be enjoyable, cheap and easy – you just have to try it and you’ll see and feel the difference. Following these tips will help you feel great all day:
• Aim for five portions of fruit and vegetables a day (try a variety)
• Eat what you enjoy, but in moderation (you need a combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat).
• Eat regularly but control your portion size (don’t pile up your plate, and stop eating when you’re full).
• Swap white rice, pasta and bread for the whole grain variety to increase your fibre intake and make you feel fuller.
• Keep an eye on how much salt is in your food (an adult should have no more than 6g per day).
• Swap saturated fat for unsaturated fat (try olive oil instead of butter).
• Eat fish instead of red meat (keep red meat to once or twice a week if possible).
Most of us, even with a healthy diet, still need to supplement our diets with added vitamins and nutrients. It's important that your body gets enough vitamins and minerals every day in order to keep you fit and healthy. Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that your body needs in small amounts to work properly. Vitamins affect every part of your body, including the way your hair, nails and muscles develop and grow, your sight, the way you digest food, and your heart and your nervous system.
Even if you eat a balanced diet that includes food from all the major groups, there may be a need to take vitamin supplements. The food you eat will most likely provide you with a large amount the vitamins and minerals you need, but how many of us really eat the recommended 5 fruits and vegetables a day, drink 8 glasses of water and eat all of the essential groups of food that the pyramid of nutrition describes. Supplements should be used as a top-up if it is not possible to eat a healthy balanced diet - they aren't a substitute for healthy eating, but let’s face it, how many of us have time? It is still recommended that you get most of your vitamins from food, but when you can’t, supplement!
When it comes right down to it, our bodies were meant to move and actually crave the movement associated with exercise. When you exercise, your stamina is elevated over time; you strengthen and tone your muscles, enhance your flexibility, control your weight, and improve your quality of life.
To start a new program, you should always talk to your doctor first, especially if you have any type of health condition but for most of us it is just about finding the time and getting to a routine. If you are a beginner, start off slower than you think you should. Three days per week is realistic, safe and effective. If you are experienced, do cardiovascular exercises such as walking, jogging and bicycling. Weight training should be done no more than three times per week targeting the same muscle groups. Exercise the same muscle groups on non-consecutive days because muscles need adequate time to recover and cannot be effectively trained if they are tired or sore. Flexibility is important, so make the time! Stretching can be done every day, but stick to a minimum of three times per week in order to reap the benefits. When the body is warmed up, such as after a workout session, perform five to ten stretches that target the major muscle groups.
All of these things, in conjunction, will help you have enough energy to get through your busiest days and weeks with ease.

About the author:
Vitamins should be designed to nutritionally support your entire body! Make sure they use only the highest grade Whole Food Vitamins, Chelated Minerals, Probiotics, and Vegetable Enzymes. Your health is worth everything. Start treating it right, and give your body the nutrients needed to support optimal health.
Don Lapre
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