Pests From Your PC

By:mick madigan

Bugs in machines go back a long way.

In the 1900s, bugs were "little faults and difficulties" in new devices, according to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang.

Thomas Alva Edison told how he stayed up two nights in 1889 trying to fix a 'bug' in his new cylinder phonograph.

Though some still say say the real modern usage of the word comes from the cockroaches, moths and creepies that used to infest the old room size computers, and cause malfunctions whenever they shorted the electrics...

Nowadays, PCs have got a lot smaller, but STILL harbour a stack of unwanted life.

It's amazing that people who believe in cleanliness health and fitness can spend hours
working at a dirty PC.

Where does that dirt come from? People, mostly.
Coughing, shedding flakes of skin, and spilling drinks and crumbs and bits on the keyboard, mouse, casing and mat.

Ever noticed a clear sticky, filmy substance on your desk or on parts of your computer?.
It is most likely to be BIOFILM - bacteria and fungi growing out of what's
been spilled..

Viruses dumped on the PC by coughs and sneezes can easily travel from person to person.

Inside your PC, the cooling fan sucks in and deposits dust inside the casing - creating a great home for mites, bacteria, molds and fungi.
All these (and their waste products) can cause asthma and allergy type reactions.

Cockroaches and flies are quickly drawn by most rotting matter, and spread germs, smell and allergens.

There's a recorded case of fly maggots crawling out of a keyboard...

Apart from health issues, pests and dirt in a PC can still cause shorting, and the dust buildup can cause overheating, programs crashing and system failure.

That means downtime, disruption and expensive repairs.
Possibly even permanent loss of valuable data.

While we can't live in a sterile antiseptic world, can you afford NOT to regularly sanitize your PC?

Here are Your Lucky 13 Top PC Cleaning Tips :-

1. Turn your computer off, and unplug it before you start to clean it.
Then electrocution isn't an option.
(Also, turning off at night saves electricity, and creates a cooler environment - discouraging nasties breeding, and things decaying.)

2. Vacuum the keyboard with a suitable extension, or a special PC vacuum.
It's a quick way of sucking out hairs, dust and debris and can also be used on the computer's outer casing where there is no risk of damage.

3. Wash your hands with a bacteriological handwash before AND after using a keyboard.

4. Pure water is one of the best cleaning fluids. Many cleaning solvents can stain or attack the plastic parts of your computer and some people are allergic to certain fluids.
Take care with alcohol-based wipes, because they can erode the coating on TFT monitors.

5. If you use proprietary PC cleaning materials, only use them in the ways
and places intended, wear disposable gloves, and read any instructions before starting.

6. Never splash or spray any liquid directly onto the computer or any computer component.
Instead, spray it onto a CLEAN lint free cloth, then lightly rub your machine clean.

7. Dont try cleaning the insides of your PC. The static electricity you create can
damage the circuits.
Leave delicate stuff to professionals like PC technicians if it must be done at all.

8. Use a cloth (rather than something more abrasive like a paper towel) to wipe
Use fresh cotton buds on the difficult-to-reach areas of your computer.

9. Be careful when cleaning around the back of your machine - it's easy accidentally disconnecting a plug, then finding certain peripherals like the mouse or printer arent working when you switch the machine back on!

10. Try to avoid smoking at or near the computer, but if you can't quit the habit, ensure you clean the machine more regularly- every three months is best rather than every five for a non-smoker.

11.Pests love spilled food and liquids - by not eating or drinking at your PC, you can dramatically reduce any health risks.

12. Get rid of clutter regularly. Junk attracts dirt and pests.

13. Do your PC cleaning regularly - not just when there's been a spill, or you cant find your mouse in the dust!

Keeping a clean computer workstation will help keep your computer healthy, and you'll stay healthy computing!