Petroleum Jelly as Leading Skin Care Product

By:Tarkesh Botadra

Petroleum Jelly also known as Vaseline or

Petrolatum or Soft Paraffin is one the most oldest & conventional Skin ointment. Its main constituents are Waxes & Oils.
It is an unctuous translucent waxy fibrous jelly-like structure usually comes in Snow White or Pale Yellow in Color. Unlike cold creams, Pure Petroleum Jelly is the only full Hydrocarbon Oil based Product

which even today serves as foremost Skin Protection Media during winters. When applied on Skin during cold climate, it protects against skin contraction & chaffing. Its also widely used as a lubricating media

for Baby Skin when applied on areas where the Nappies / Diapers are put on, further preventing skin rashes due to elastic bands. Petroleum Jelly also serves as soothing media for Burnt Skins. In Hospitals,

Petroleum Jelly is widely used for First Aid for Burn cases. It forms a Protective Layer & prevents Moisture to leave out of the Skin.
Petroleum Jelly passed with US or BP Pharmacopeia Standards, are Non-Toxic & Non-Allergic. Today there is awareness of this Product world wide & sold as a very common Cosmetic Product which does

not require prescription. There exists large Number of Private Label & Corporate brands sold throughout the world. The retail sale constitutes the maximum distribution in the legion of this Product.
Apart from Finished Packed Product, Pure Petroleum Jellyalso is used as a Raw Material for many Cold Creams & General

Purpose Creams. It forms as an Oil Phase constituent in any form of o/w or w/o Creams. For Creams, it adds body & also the waxy feel required for skin protection.
Petroleum Jelly is also used as a Raw Material or a Base Product for many Ointments. Generally it forms a Major constituent as a Base Product which is in combination with Active Ingredients. Examples are

Balm / Pain Relief Ointment. A very general formulation with Pharmacopeia approved Ingredients, of a Pain Relief Balm which also can be made at home is as under : -
1.Petroleum Jelly : 91%.
2.Menthol Crystals :1%
3.Eucalyptus Oil :1%
4.Methyl Salicylate :2%.
5.Paraffin Wax :5%
Apart from this Petroleum Jelly Based Ointments also can have Active Ingredients such as Specialty Oil Soluble Herbs, Herbal Extracts, Vitamin E, Lanolin etc. In many African & South American Countries

Petroleum Jelly formulate known as Hair Food is used to apply on Hairs for scalp nourishment.
The other most common uses are Lip & Heel protection. It Protects Lips from Cracking & also quickly heals Cracked Heels.
Petroleum Jelly in Consumer Packs are sold in Plastic Jars or Plastic Lammi Tubes,

the two are most conventional packaging sold under various Brand names.
The largest Petroleum Jelly producing countries are Germany, USA, India, Iran & China. The Reason being is also since, that the Product is made majorly of Petroleum Derivatives. The Raw Materials of

Petroleum Jelly are primarily :
Paraffin Wax
Microcrystalline Wax (Patrolatum) &
White Mineral Oil (Liquid Paraffin).

Generally Waxes are in proportions of 30-35% & Oil are in proportions of 65-70%. All these Raw materials are Petroleum Derivatives produced by Oil

Despite being a conventionally old product, but due to its multiple benefits & rising awareness, there is a global Growth for the market of Petroleum Jelly & its allied products.
There are many Companies who produce Petroleum Jelly & allied products under Private Label Brands. In consumer packs, its important to outsource the Product from right Producers having cosmetic

manufacturing licenses. One of the Prime destinations for outsourcing is India. Not only India is come off age with New-Age standards for quality assurance & control, the companies established here, cater to

world wide market for many cosmetic & toiletry products for global brand owners & importers.

Author Bio:
Tarkesh Botadra, Trade Analyst for FMCG Products. For more details please visit

About the author:
Tarkesh Botadra