Planning Is A Key Ingredient

By:Albert Vatse

Busy Busy

This week things got so busy and before I knew it I had no food left in my apartment and over the last two days I found myself grabbing refined foods I wouldn't normally eat unless it was a special occasion. As a result by the end of yesterday I was feeling a bit sick and sluggish. I wished that I had been better prepared.

When you are hungry and you are on the run, you are more likely to grab unhealthier foods that will eventually bring you down. It's more difficult to choose wisely when you don't have much time and all you want to do is satisfy the stomach growls.

What Do You Do?

There are a few things you can do to make sure you are prepared when things get so busy that your normal routine is interrupted. Eating healthy during this time is very important because if you are that busy then it's probably also essential that you stay healthy and have the energy to finish what you need to do. Not to mention, when you finally do get a day off you will want to be well enough to enjoy it.

Here are my tips:

1. Every time you cook a meal, freeze a small portion of it. On a busy evening when you come home late, all you have to do is warm it up.

2. Keep quick cooking whole grains in the cupboard. Buckwheat quinoa, and millet only take about 20 minutes to cook versus 45 minutes for brown rice.

3. Keep quick cooking oats in your drawer at work. You can even put each serving in a little plastic bag.

4. Store up on canned soups at home. My favorite is Amy's Organics.

5. Keep cut up carrots and celery in a glass of water in the fridge, you can snack on them while your food is heating up.

6. When out, grab baby carrots, fruit, sushi, steamed veggies from a Chinese shop (squeeze lemon and salt for taste)

7. You can get an omelet with lots of fresh veggies and at many deli's they will cook it without oil if you ask.

These ideas should help get you started and help to keep you well through the winter!

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