Prevent acid reflux damage by learning its sypmtoms
- By:groshan fabiola
Acid reflux is an illness that some tend to overlook, but sooner or later all the acid reflux patients must treat their condition because if it is left untreated it can be the cause of other diseases such as asthma and ulcer.
The stomach contains a variety of gastric acids that are used to digest the food we eat. These acids are as strong as car battery acids, but the stomach is protected against them by a special membrane.
The food first passes the esophagus and then enters the stomach. Between these two organs there is a valve that only allows things coming from the esophagus to pass through. This valve gets weakened in time and it starts to be defective, so some of the acid inside the stomach gets into the esophagus and slowly damages its walls.
This can happen to everybody, but it happens seldom. In some cases the valve is so weakened that gastric acid gets into the esophagus very often. When this happens you feel a small sensation of burning pain in the chest. This sensation is called heartburn. People with acid reflux feel heartburn quite often, and the pain gets worse as the esophagus gets more damaged. This is the first symptom of acid reflux.
Some of the stomach's content can come back into the mouth too, and in this case you suddenly feel a bitter taste substance coming into your mouth from the stomach. This can happen to anyone, but if it happens too often then consult a doctor.
You will also have difficulties in swallowing when you have acid reflux, and if you leave it untreated the acid will corrode the esophagus' walls, and you are at high risk of developing an ulcer, or asthma if it gets into the lungs.
Your teeth will also be damaged by the small amounts of acid that keep getting back into the mouth.
Heartburn and regurgitation is worse when you bend and thus encourage acids to leak back.
It's important to learn the acid reflux symptoms so you can detect the illness soon and start the treatment. There are many ways of treating acid reflux, and if you start the treatment early it will be very easy to cure it. It can easily be cured with a slight change in your diet and lifestyle, but in more severe advanced cases surgery is required.About the author:
For more information on acid reflux surgery and especially acid reflux symptoms please visit