Quality Healthcare in Costa Rica at a Fraction of the Cost
- By:Karen Lovendahl
Costa Rica is fast becoming an international mecca for individuals in search of safe, high-quality medical care at prices as low as one-tenth of what they would be paying in their home countries.
For people living in Costa Rica, the government has instituted a socialized healthcare program where all residents are guaranteed care. This system is known as CCSS, or Caja costarricense de Seguro Social (Costa Rican Social Security). Even though the entire country is smaller than the state of Virginia, there are 29 state-run hospitals, with at least one in each of the even geographic regions. Major hospitals are easy to come by in the cities, where 16 of the state hospitals are located, but can be as far as two hours from any beachfront locations.
The Costa Rican government encourages the establishment of private hospitals, which continue to grow alongside state-run institutions. In addition to the nearly 7,000 hospital beds the government maintains in its own hospitals, it provides for at least 150 beds in private hospital settings. In addition to hospitals, there are over 500 government-run clinics throughout Costa Rica that can provide basic medical care, even to people just visiting Costa Rica. In short, people living in Costa Rica can almost always find quality healthcare when they need it.
Plastic surgery in Costa Rica is a booming field, especially packaged as “recovery retreats,” all-inclusive stays that include surgery at a world-renowned private hospital and recuperation in a luxury resort with an around-the-clock medical staff, brilliant views, and fresh, local meals. Most plastic surgeons who perform plastic surgery in Costa Rica speak fluent English, and their nursing staffs also speak English. A set of breast implant can be had in Costa Rica for less than $2,000. Other affordable procedures available include cosmetic dentistry, eye surgery and facelifts.
The government is dedicated to maintaining a top-notch medical industry, and therefore regularly replaces its medical equipment in hospitals in Costa Rica and clinics across the country as it becomes outdated. Costa Rica’s commitment to providing the latest in healthcare advancements makes it a favorite for medical supply companies.
You can easily find all major prescription medications in Costa Rica, and unlike the United States, most do not require a prescription. Most pharmacists speak English. However, unlike other parts of the world, medications are only dispensed in 10-to-15-day doses. Costs are almost always lower than you’ll see elsewhere.
Even veterinary care in Costa Rica is some of the best in the world, with many veterinary clinics in and around major Costa Rican cities. Between the veterinary care, the internationally-renowned plastic surgery, and the hospitals, there is little someone living in Costa Rica or even just visiting in Costa Rica could be left wanting in terms of quality, reliable medical care.
by David Lovendahl, Costa Vista Marketing
About the author:
Costa Vista Land is ‘developing paradise’ in Costa Rica http://www.costavistaland.com. The company buys raw land in large quantities after they have thoroughly surveyed and researched all details. Because of this, Costa Vista Land acquires their properties at discount prices and develops them in less than 18 months. Hence the unique program in which you can obtain developed land at undeveloped prices and why company President, Brad Hogan says, “We are an investment company first and a land sale company second.” Parcel choices range from valleys to mountains, to beautiful coastline property. This lucrative program comes with 100% money back guarantee. Everyone is encouraged to visit Costa Rica, stand on their property and see the beautiful country they have invested in. While visiting, the company pays for your accommodations, meals and transportation. For more information contact 1-877-55-COSTA, or order the FREE 50 minute informational CD at http://www.developingparadise.com.