Regular and moderate wine drinking

By:David Weatherly

Although wine may be the oldest remedy and prophylactic still in use, there was an entire generation of medical professionals, especially in America, that obtained their medical education during the historical period known as Prohibition.

Medical texts for nearly twenty-five years were purged and censored of any mention of alcohol, including wine, for any application other than external. This medical generation became educators to the following one, perpetuating medical ignorance of the potential health benefits of wine.
REGULARITY & MODERATION: Moderate wine drinking was discovered to be one prominent factor. Studies in England and Denmark found the occurrence of coronary disease to be much higher in heavy or binge drinkers and (surprise!) even higher in abstainers.

Moderate consumption of red wine on a regular basis may be a preventative against coronary disease and some forms of cancer. Clinical and statistical evidence and laboratory studies have shown these to boost the immune system, block cancer formation, and possibly protect against heart disease and even prolong life.

More evidence suggests that wine dilates the small blood vessels and helps to prevent angina and clotting. Alcohol component in wine also help in the maintenance of cholesterol in a human body.
Wine might even defend cognitive function in the elderly. Several European studies have shown the prophylactic effects of regular light to moderate alcohol consumption may include the prevention or adjournment of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other forms of dementia. Could wine be the original brain food?

Over 400 studies worldwide, and the other awareness aspects have concluded that the peoples who drink wine regularly and moderately live longer.

The single group exception, whose members should not consume any alcohol, is pre-menopausal women with a family history of breast cancer. The keys to the beneficial aspects are regularity and moderation. Overindulgence can be considerably more harmful than total abstinence.

About the author:
Hangover Pill

Author: Bernard Bubman R.Ph, a renowned pharmacist, has worked for 30 years in the alternative medicine world. His expertise in formulations for health benefits is unsurpassed. Hangover Pill is one of his latest product to overcome hangover after celebration drinks