Safety in the Workplace

By:Bob Taylor Taylor

Many times dangers exist in the workplace, which are ignored by the company due to the time or expense involved in correcting them.
While the vast majority of companies will do whatever it takes to insure the safety of their workers, many workers become so confident in their ability that they will take shortcuts, putting themselves and others in danger.
The company generally will follow all occupational health and safety guidelines to protect their workers but sometimes overlooks workers violating safety practices for the sake of saving time and money.

Additionally, many times employees become so used to performing their job in a specific manner that they ignore safety related issues until it is too late and someone gets hurt on the job.
Agencies seldom will inspect facilities that do not have accidents but those with a history of placing workers in an unsafe work environment can look forward to repeat visits. Many state occupational health and safety agencies are self-funded, meaning they receive their operating income from fines levied against companies. While their inspections are for the benefit of the workers’ safety the fines levied will benefit the agency.

A company can be held liable if they are aware that a workers is ignoring occupational health and safety rules and do nothing about it. Proper education about safety procedures is a requirement of all companies, and even more so those in an industrial setting and failing to provide the workers with the education and training needed is typically considered a violation of occupational health and safety practices. Occupational Health And Safety Protects Workers.

About the author:
Believing in good balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, drinking enough water, meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and trying to be happy.