Self Penis Enlargment Treatment Methods

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There are several methods of penis enlargement, all of which provide varying levels of success.

Penis enlargement pills are mainly provided over the internet and they vary considerably in effects. A large part of the enlargement pills have no effect, but some pills can enhance the blood flow, which in some cases causes a slightly longer erect penis. Penis enlargement pills can contain herbal ingredients like ginkgo biloba, a stimulant and vasodilator, and yohimbe, a sexual stimulant. The ingredients can enhance the sexual energy and performance, but do not enlarge the penis.

Clinical studies done by Flora Research of California and by the University of Maryland have shown that many of the penis enlargement pills on the market contain harmful contaminants as: mold, yeast, dangerous E. coli bacteria, pesticides, and lead. The herbal pills often contains heavy fecal contamination, because of the herbals have been harvested in areas where animals are grazing.

However the enlargement pills can result in a placebo effect or psychological effect making the user think he has a larger penis, which is in fact wrong.

Another penis enlargement method is the vacuum pump, penis pump, penis enlargement device. The principle is that you put a cylinder around your penis and suck air out of the cylinder either manually or with a motorized pump.

There are two purposes in using a penis pump.

Some men who suffer from impotence use the penis pump to get an erection by placing a compression ring at the base of the penis and use the vacuum pump. This method can be effective but contains severe risks. Many people have by frequent use of the vacuum pump experienced a reverse impotence due to vascular damage.
As mentioned before the other purpose of the penis pump is to get a penis enlargement. The penis pump can temporally extend the penis to the maximum size, by increasing the amount of blood and other fluids that are in the corpus cavernosa and surrounding tissue. There are no documented long lasting effects.
The penis pump should be used very carefully and over-enthusiastic use can cause can burst blood vessels and cause blisters. In some cases the testicles can be unexpectedly pulled into the cylinder and cause severe pain and injury. It is also believed that the rim of the cylinder can cut into the skin and over time cause damage to the ligaments surrounding the penis. These dangers are easily avoided by following instructions. Impatiently pumping away without reading any explanatory material can produce too much suction (anything over anything 10 mm Hg) and cause permanent injury.

Through Penis-Health program, you can access the penis enlargement exercises program that have been developed to work both on their own and together with the SizeGenetics device. This program consists of exercises and routines that only require a few minutes of your time everyday in order to obtain excellent results.

About the author:
Mark Henry is the author related to Penis Enlargement Device, Penis Externders, Penis EnlargersTo learn more about the amazing penis enlargement device, which offers safe, easy, and private penis enlargement gains, see the top penis enlargement devices reviewed here.