Severe Cough and its cure

By:Rachel Broune

A cough is a sudden, often repetitive, spasmodic contraction of the thoracic cavity, resulting in violent release of air from the lungs, and usually accompanied by a distinctive sound. Coughs in children are common, and usually accompany many of the normal childhood illnesses. A cough that continues for several days, or increases in severity, should be immediately checked by a physician to rule out other diseases. It is a symptom of an underlying disease or other medical problem that most people assume are due to lung problems. There are several different causes of cough not related to the lungs. Gastroesophogeal reflux, allergies, post nasal drip and certain medications are common causes of cough.

The coughing (infant) is natural to rid stuff out of our lungs and throat. The mucus in their nose can be wiped or sucked out using an infant mucus remover.

Depends on the origin. Bronchial coughs can be treated effectively with Levaquin. See your doctor to determine the best treatment based on your situation.

The only way to deal with a cold is by treating the symptoms. Try drinking some hot tea with lemon if you don't want to use OTC products. If the cough persists, you will eventually either have to go with something OTC, such as Robitussin, or see your doctor as it may be a bacterial infection.

To stop nighttime coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally), put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime, then cover with socks. Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about 5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief.

Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns.

Take 0.5 pounds (250 gms) of sweet apples daily for a week to cure cough.

Soak almonds overnight and remove their skin. Make a paste of the soaked almonds with little butter and sugar. This is very useful for dry cough.

Mix 8 - 10 tablespoons of coconut milk with 1 tablespoon poppy seeds and 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Take this every night before going to bed.

Boil some water add a small piece of ginger let it simmer for 5 mins take of the heat. In a cup add some honey and lemon juice now mix the ginger water in there take this twice a day. Steam 2 unpeeled tangerines with 30 grams rock sugar to relieve coughs with a yellowish mucous discharge. Eat the tangerines at bedtime.

In one cup of warm milk, add a pinch of turmeric powder and drink twice a day.

In one cup of warm milk, add 2 – 3 strands of saffron and drink twice a day.

Deep breathe in front of an open window. This has multiple benefits. Exhaling vigorously rids the body of waste gases and deep inhalation saturates the lungs with oxygen.

Chop an onion finely, put it with a tablespoon of clear honey in a screw-top jar and leave overnight. In the morning, drinking a teaspoonful of the juice produced will give relief to cough.

Garlic-and-onion chicken soup is also an effective remedy for cough

About the author:
Rachel Broune writes articles for Cough Home Remedies. He also writes for How to get rid of Cough and Home Remedies for dry cough