Simple Tips On How To Eat Healthier...

By:Katie Monroe

Eating right can be hard when you do not feel like cooking or there is a fast-food place on every corner. Here are some simple things you can do to eat better:

Start every day with breakfast. Try a low-fat whole-grain breakfast bar, nonfat or low-fat yogurt, or whole-grain toast or bagel spread with a little peanut butter, jam or low-fat cream cheese.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, and choose whole grains like 100 percent whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or brown rice instead of refined grains like white bread and white rice.

Choose low-fat or nonfat milk instead of whole milk or a milkshake.

Order a plain hamburger (without sauce or mayonnaise) or a grilled (not fried) chicken sandwich. Skip the fries and try a salad with fat-free or low-fat dressing instead.

Go easy on mayonnaise, creamy sauces, and added butter.

Don't let sugary soda or other sweets crowd out healthy foods and beverages.

Many food labels say "low-fat," "reduced fat," or "light." That does not always mean the food is low in calories. Sometimes fat free or low-fat muffins or desserts have even more sugar than the full fat versions. Remember, fat free does not mean calorie free and calories do count!

Did you know that you can turn up your body's metabolism even more by simply breathing better? That's right... Most people are shallow breathers. This lowers your immune system and fails to rid your body of all the nasty toxins you consume every day. We'll teach you how to supply so much more oxygen to your system that you start ridding yourself of these toxins and skyrocket your metabolism thereby turning your body into a fat burning machine!

The negative calorie dietâ„¢ includes some little known information about exercise. Did you know that a scientific study reveals that as little as three exercises will firm up and tone 85% of your body's muscles? Perform these three exercises three times a week for as little as 15 minutes a day and not only will you get in shape, you'll keep your metabolism speeding in high gear! The ebook details the these three exercises and how to perform them the right way!

Learn more on Negative Calorie Diet Plan: at

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About the author:
Katie is the author of many comprehensive articles on health beauty fitness. Be sure to check out her health beauty fitness website for more information on health, beauty and fitness related information and freebies.