Six Secrets to Beating Chronic Illness

By:Nicole Matoushek MPH, PT Matou

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you seeking higher levels of performance, optimal health and a life full of fun and fulfillment? Are the high costs of medicine and doctors visits eating away at your wallet while your chronic illness keeps you home resting while the rest of the world is out playing?

You can beat chronic illness. There are several secrets to beating chronic illness that your doctor probably never told you about. These secrets are easy, take only a few minutes a day and won’t even cost you a dime. The power of the mind should not be overlooked in the self healing and recovery process. The truth is, until you change your focus and empty out your mind trash, you will not recover. Often times, the challenge and adversity of having a chronic illness and the struggles with the physical pain, fatigue and loss of function, often carried over to our personal and professional lives. We can lose income, opportunities, abilities, levels of function and performance and become overwhelmed by these new changes and losses. For many of us this challenge causes a barrage of negative thoughts and emotions as we try to cope with our failing bodies. We feel a loss of control, anger at our bodies for failing, even jealousy and envy towards those people who have their health and do not understand what we are going through. We may grieve the loss of our health, our functioning bodies; we may get sad, depressed and even isolated. We may get upset when people try to help us and when they do not. We tend to lose ourselves in our condition, as we struggle with it every day, sometimes every minute. It can consume us.

Chronic medical conditions can be costly, medicine is going up and insurance coverage is going down. Hospital visits, surgeries, diagnostic tests and frequent doctors’ visits can leave our pocket books barren. This only adds to our frustration, fears, worries and feelings of loss.

There are secrets to beating chronic illness. Once I learned them, practiced them and internalized them, I was able to reduce my meds from 22 a day to 2 a day in 6 months. After getting a poor prognosis from my doctors, I was actually able to self heal myself into remission in only 6 months. I have channeled these secrets and now I offer them to you. You can get better; you can live a full life full of activity and fun. You can overcome this adversity and grow even stronger than before; you just need to decide to change your results. You can change your results once you learn how. It can be an easy, effortless and fun process once embraced. And it will not even cost you a dime. Learn how to change your results and beat chronic illness. Learn the six secrets to beating chronic illness on the link below.

About the author:
Nicole Matoushek MPH, PT
Author of “Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment” and “365 Days of Abundant Hope”
Beat chronic illness website, your six free secrets await you: