Sleepless Mind - Do you possess it?

By:Sangeeth R

Do we have a peaceful sleep? I guess most of us will say a big NO to this. Why this is so? You know, it is all because of oneself. You can’t blame anyone else for this peace less life of yours. I wonder why this happens to most of us and I feel that this is because, instead of we controlling our mind and emotions, our mind and emotions are now controlling us.

Gone are the days where people used to have clear mind with their life filled with full of happiness and peace. Why is that we are not experiencing it now? Our life is so mechanical, focused towards money. We do not spend time for ourselves. We do not take care our physical and mental health. There is lot many ways one can control his/her physical health. Hmmm… what about Mind? The Mental health is what which drives our life.

Just think… what controls our mind? Emotions and Thoughts! So if there is a way to control emotions and thoughts successfully wont we succeed in our goal? What are those ways?

Why do we dream? Is there any relation between emotions, thoughts and dream? Is mind responsible for all these? Let us find answers for all these questions and more.

To explore the ways to control mind, thoughts, emotions and also to learn more about dreams, log on to

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