Stopping Smoking and Weight Gain - Can You Quit and Stay Slim?

By:Bekki Behl

Many smoking cessation products claim to guarantee that the client or user will gain no weight when they undertake their method. Some products even claim that they will help you LOSE wight while quitting. Does this sound too good to be true.

It is.

Clients to my hypnotherapy practice often expect me to assure them that they will not gain any weight when they stop smoking. This is not the case. They should fully expect to gain weight, but no more than 2-4 pounds once they become a non-smoker.

It is a fact that smoking causes your cells to dehydrate. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the skin quality of a 40-year smoker compared to a non-smoker. When you become a non-smoker your body is going to naturally re-hydrate those cells. This is not fat. This is not even “water retention” It is simply going to be water that your cells really need.

Most people would rather be 2-4 pounds heavier and a non-smoker, than 2-4 pounds lighter and a smoker.

Some people worry that they are going to crave sweets or other “bad” foods once they stop smoking. Good hypnotherapy completely eliminates any notion of craving.

Of course you always have a choice to eat whatever you wish but you do not need to fear that you will automatically substitute “bad” foods for cigarettes, it simply will not happen.

My suggestion? Quit smoking first, then tackle any weight reduction issues. Smoking is by far the most immediate threat in most cases.

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