Stress Will Affect High Blood Pressure
- By:james ellison
A person's blood pressure will waver constantly especially when they are feeling stressed. Stress is likely one of the most common causes of high blood pressure, with white coat syndrome being a known condition. This is where people visiting the physician to have their blood pressure checked will find it rises to a high level due to anxiety connected with the visit.
As it can often reach into the hypertensive range, it is crucial that the person who is monitoring the patient's blood pressure only orders anti-hypertensive medication when they are absolutely convinced the patient is suffering from a true medical condition and a conscientious doctor will only prescribe antihypertensive medication when he has run a battery of further tests on his patient to confirm his diagnosis.
Conventional blood pressure treatment is thought to be a lifelong treatment, and doctors must be convinced that the medication they are prescribing is absolutely necessary before getting patients on their treatment.
This can have the patient's blood pressure being monitored over a period of time every few hours, or can also include the patient wearing an ambulatory blood pressure machine over a 24 hour period so that their blood pressure can be monitored on a regular basis. The results of these tests are carefully examined and the most pertinent form of treatment prescribed.
If you are tense and nervous about seeing your doctor for a check up on your blood pressure, you should consider arriving earlier and giving yourself time to relax, especially if you have rushed to the office. Also explain to him that you're nervous or upset so he is aware of any problems that may be affecting your blood pressure readings.
If you have a very stressful job, it's a good idea to have your blood pressure watched on a regular basis. If you don't have the time or the desire to visit your doctor or a clinic to have your blood pressure checked, consider buying a digital blood pressure machine for use at home. They are very inexpensive nowadays, and very easy to use.
However if you're blood pressure is rising because of stress connected to your work place, it may be time you took a good hard look at your lifestyle, and make specific changes.
These changes could include losing weight, doing more exercise or eating a healthier diet. Also if possible it could also include discussing with your boss the possibility of sharing some of your work load with other people or learning how to delegate.
Stress can be the forerunner to high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. It's important it's managed carefully otherwise it can ruin your health and destroy your life.
About the author:
Jim's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. You can learn more of stress and high blood pressure by visiting: