The Importance of Drug and Alcohol Rehab
- By:Alvaro Douglas
If you’ve ever had someone you love suffer with the problems stemming from alcoholism or drug abuse, you’re not alone. In fact, about 43% of all adults have been exposed to a family member with alcoholism, with an additional few million added within the realm of drug addiction.
The statistics are staggering to say the least, both for the users of illegal dugs and alcohol and for those merely associated with them. For example, children (including teens) of alcoholics have a significantly higher illegal substance abuse percentage than those from non-alcoholic families. Reasons vary from added stress and decreased monitoring by parents (and the need for both attention and coping). These teens and pre-teens turn to negative peer groups for support. These groups tend to be more open to drug and alcohol use themselves.
From a violent point of view, alcohol and drug usage are associated with a substantial percentage of violent acts. Alcohol is a factor in 68% of all manslaughters, 62% of assaults, 54% of both murders and attempted murders, 48% of robberies and 44% of burglaries. 4% of all homicides in the U.S. last year were narcotics related.
The affect of alcohol and drug abuse on family violence is another discerning topic, as addicted parents are raising a growing number of children in this country. More than one million children are confirmed victims of child abuse each year, with over half of these cases reporting to state child protective services and agencies that substance abuse was a key factor. Studies suggest that there are more occurrences of abused children among alcoholic parents.
Health risks for those addicted to alcohol or drugs are, of course, substantially higher than those who aren’t dependant on such a means. Liver and heart problems are quite common, while damage to other major organs is more than possible. Ulcers and osteoporosis in is more common in women who are dependant on alcohol than those who aren’t. An increased risk of different types of cancers, including those to the digestive track and breasts in alcoholics is another. Women who have abused alcohol for many years also have a much higher chance of developing hypertension, anemia, and malnutrition.
If rehab is not something that the addict wants to do for him or herself, they need to be aware of the statistics and get the help they need for the future generations. A lack of self-control by one individual is seen by dozens, and mimicked by those who look up to them. Rehab offers many options and specialized treatment programs to suit the needs of anyone, but these services are unable to help if they aren’t contacted.About the author:
The auther writes articles on different topics. To know more, visit drug abuse, acne exposed review treatment