The Seven Deadly Diseases: And How You Can Avoid Them

By:Elbert Burnett

Seven Deadly Diseases will kill 80% of our population. That's 8 out of every 10 people. These seven deadly diseases will send millions of people to an EARLY grave, not thousands, but millions. Listed in order of death rates they are:

1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Stroke
4. Diabetes
5. Osteoporosis
6. Arthritis
7. Alzheimer's

Source: National Center for Health Statistics

Heart disease kills one of every two of us. One of every three of us contracts cancer, and 80% will die from the disease.
The tragedy of this carnage is not just the huge numbers or untold suffering, but the fact that there is a proven, natural substance readily available that can PREVENT these diseases from ever happening. Even more, biochemistry has proven that large doses of this natural substance will REVERSE and even heal people from these diseases.

The Root Cause:

All seven diseases have ONE common denominator directly responsible for their onslaught. That one common denominator is called free radical damage!

There are other denominators in the mix, for sure. But the largest, single factor that opens the door to the seven deadly diseases is FREE RADICAL DAMAGE.

What is a Free Radical and Why is it so Harmful?

To power our bodies, about a trillion molecules of oxygen pass through over 60 trillion cells every day. As we use the oxygen, "free radicals" are produced by the natural by-product of oxygen metabolism.

Oxygen free radicals serve a purpose in the body by burning bacteria and refuse matter. But in places they don't belong and when out of control, free radicals become toxic molecules which damage the body through a process known as OXIDATIVE STRESS.

Free Radical Damage (oxidative stress) is measured by Oxidation Hits. Research shows every one of our billions of cells has about 10,000 oxidative hits per day. That is very cell, 10,000 times per day. Think about that.

Our body has protective defense systems that protect us from the free radical onslaught that can result in chronic disease and aging. But there is a problem.

Soil depleted of trace minerals; harvesting and shipping of produce before it’s ripe; highly refined food processing with chemical additives; cigarette-smoking; exposure to electromagnetic radiation from micro-wave ovens, copy machines, computer monitors, cell phones, television sets; and exposure to free radicals in the air and water are all reasons why our body suffers from its innate ability to ward off free radical damage.

When the burden from our environment becomes too much and the quality of our food supply becomes poor, the free radicals become overwhelming leading to oxidative stress and disease.

If the attack comes in the arteries, cholesterol and calcium heals the wound causing “hardening of the arteries” and high blood pressure.

If it happens in the capillaries, they may begin to leak, causing easy bruising and loss of blood internally.

If it happens in the joints it’s called arthritis.

In the pancreas it’s called diabetes.

On neurons it’s called Parkinson’s or Multiple Sclerosis.

Free radical damage has also been associated with many types of cancer.

Anti-oxidants: Free Radical Scavengers

Since oxygen is the most common type of free radical, the method of neutralizing free radicals has taken on the name "anti" "oxygen" or "anti-oxidant."

Anti-oxidants in the body destroy free radicals by feeding electrons to them which changes their chemical structure. These new stabilized compounds actually enhance the oxidative process.

Anti-oxidants are so important to your health, "The amount of anti-oxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live." (Dr. Richard Cutler, Director of the government's anti-aging research department of the National Institutes of Health).

Though our bodies try to protect us from free radical damage by producing enzymes which neutralize them, as our body ages, our natural body antioxidant system diminishes. This is why middle age and older people need anti-oxidant supplements to make up what time and age have changed in their body.

This is not theory but fact. Sadly, what modern medicine is slow to accept, biochemistry has known for years...Free radical damage causes disease!

What We Know:

Denham Harmon, MD, PhD, has devoted fifty years to free radical research. He was the first researcher to advance a theory of aging as the indiscriminate CHEMICAL reactivity of free radicals possibly leading to random biological damage.

The theory implies that anti-oxidants such as vitamins E and C, which prevent free radicals from oxidizing sensitive biological molecules, will slow the aging process. Dr. Harman launched his theory by showing, for the first time, that feeding a variety of anti-oxidants to mammals was able to extend their life spans. He reported: