The Truth About Why You Have Not Been Able To Quit Smoking...Until Now!
- By:Iman bahrani
Have you have tried, and tried, and tried to Quit Smoking only to fail to kick the habit? Rest assured, you are not alone. In fact, chances are you have been lied to by the Tobacco and Drug Companies about your addiction just like the 99% of would be "quitters" out there.
Consider this; did you know that nicotine is NOT what millions of people are addicted to? What smokers ARE addicted to, however, is a very common ingredient that appears on your grocery list every week!
And yet these companies are getting away with the lie that it's nicotine that you're addicted to. Even the pharmaceutical companies that supply the "nicotine patches", gums and other "quit smoking now" hope-pills are taking advantage of your ignorance right now as you're reading this.
And who could blame them? After all, billions of dollars are at stake. It does not matter to them that you're turning your lungs into black sponge. To them, YOU had taken up the decision to smoke and they were simply there to hand you the goods. At the end of the day, business is business and their success depends on keeping you smoking and getting people that don't smoke to start. It's all about the billions.
Here is a shocking fact; The Tobacco Industry kills more people between Monday and Thursday of each week than the terrorists killed on 9/11. Where do we see this mentioned in the media with a FRACTION of the attention?
I am here to tell you that you do not have put up with being a part of it. You do not have to become another hospital statistic. Why? Well... what if I told you by this very night (yes, you heard me right... BY TONIGHT) you will have learned to quit smoking FOR LIFE.
Let me ask you a question; what would it mean if you finally, quit smoking for good?
You see, the benefits are not just physical - you know: no more ashtray breath, no more difficulty breathing or waking up, the return of your taste buds in full gear, and so on - but psychological as well. When I kicked the habit as a result of following the program you're about to find out, I became the fond talk of my friends, family and associates.
People kept complimenting me about admiring me for my "strong will-power" and self-determination (in THEIR minds of course, it takes rare strength to kick the addiction, however big or small. Little do they know how easy it actually was).
You may be thinking at this point: "That is all fine and dandy, but I am beyond any help! I just can't get enough!"
Here's why you should NOT give up yet (sure, after reading this till the end, feel free to try giving up quitting). For now, please read on...
I, like you, was once a heavy smoker, 3-4 packs a day depending on my savings.I craved the taste in my mouth so badly that I just had to have that next puff. I smoked before going to sleep, straight away after waking up and even when wanting to visit the loo! I couldn't function without it.
It was back in late 2003 after breaking up with my girlfriend at the time I decided once and for all to quit smoking. I had had enough. And so started a long and expensive personal journey. I researched and bought everything: pills, patches, gums, self-help books, heck I even tried meditation.
It all added up to nothing! I maxed out on my credit card on junk, paid the bills and down the drain went my morale along with the money.
I felt at the time that I was beyond rehabilitation: that I was hooked for life. I was seriously stressed and really demoralized at the time.
That is, until I came across this life-saving program
To read more about what saved me from my addiction then visit:
About the author:
Iman Bahrani
Blogger's guide to Quit Smoking