The constant search for alternative medicine
- By:David Yuri
Many doctors are likely to feel that their present patients are looking for new alternatives in order to cure their diseases; but the doctors are also aware that these people are prone to be misled by wrong perceptions. They may end up by believing that they can be cured without the scientific evidence that demonstrates this miraculous result. The spirituality information can be added to every type of alternative therapy and this information can make a patient believe that he does not need his doctor anymore. But the effectiveness of every treatment should be demonstrated before people start to believe in placebo cures; the alternative medicine should be prevented from being seeped in a sort of bad science that can become very dangerous if not handled properly.
Patients should be aware that the alternative medicine and the so-called spirituality information may be practiced by charlatans who are able to delude them. The direct response to this present challenge is that every practitioner who deals with other types of therapies beside the traditional ones will use all the conventional and medical establishments. The conventional medicine can provide every practitioner with its own weapons namely the peer-reviewed studies and their clinical studies. The wall of skepticism is to be undermined because the patient should become aware that there is strong spirituality information in every alternative treatment. The genuine practitioner will take care of his patient in order to assure him of the effectiveness of the alternative cure; for instance, the herbal medicine or homeopathy have not deluded their practitioners and their patients who have felt confident enough in order to try other solutions.
The potential of the homeopathy has been demonstrated by many researchers; for instance, an infinitesimal quantity of a poisonous substance called arsenic is likely to cure a severe diarrhea. But enough evidence is to be searched for because the patients need to be convinced of the effectiveness of the homeopathic treatments; the remedies should not be based on anecdotal evidence because this type of evidence is not likely to be convincing. The alternative treatments must be safe and this safety has to be scientifically demonstrated. The doctors are fully aware that the efficiency of all the alternative medicines may be put down to the so-called placebo effect that may be induced by the spirituality information that is used during the alternative therapies.
The patient’s health can actually improve after a dummy treatment based on false drugs; during a placebo treatment, the patient is made to believe that he is receiving the proper medicine that will cure him. The use of these placebo treatments can add a certain difficulty when it comes to providing the doctors with reliable researches; the conventional doctors are used to believe that the alternative medicine consists in applying the conventional standards to different unconventional treatments. But the personal experiences of each patient are not to be overlooked; therefore, every doctor should strike the required balance between the anecdotal evidence and the clinical one in order to reach the desired effects. Every treatment’s use should be assessed in this manner in order to avoid the negative consequences that may harm the patient’s overall health.
The safety fears are also to be considered especially when the proper evidence of a treatment is missing; a wrong treatment may be more harmful that one could expect and its main dangers consist in the inappropriate use of different alternative therapies. Even the practitioners may ignore the conventional medicine thus leading to a dangerous situation that can affect the patient’s life. A natural cure is not to be regarded as a necessary safe one because this is not the case; for instance, even the well known acupuncture may be dangerous when used inappropriately. Even the Chinese herbs can be poisonous when used in large amounts because their hypoxins can harm the patient’s liver. The conventional medicine has its own dangers; drugs are to be prescribed carefully because their ingredients can be very harmful when overdosed. Therefore, the effectiveness and safety of each alternative therapy is to be demonstrated because the side effects must be avoided. The patient should not experiment by himself when it comes to using the alternative medicine because this treatment has to be enforced with the required spirituality information that states the fact that no cure is likely to come from outside.
About the author:
The alternative medicine must not be used without reason because some alternative treatments that come without the necessary spirituality information may become quite dangerous.