The cure for cellular malfunction: the alternative medicine

By:David Yuri

All the med school students are trying hard to learn all the existent diseases but they are not aware that these diseases do not exist at all. There is a single disease, namely the cellular malfunction and this disease can be prevented through natural remedies. The spirituality information states that there is a single cause behind the cellular malfunction and this cause can be found in the unbalance that is experienced by the human body. The inexistent diseases are just labels that are used in order to locate the cellular malfunction that affects one’s immune system. The cellular malfunction can develop all the well known symptoms that are considered as belonging to a certain disease. This concept has to be understood through the alternative medicine; the mainstream medicine experiences a total error when it comes to the drugs it uses. The conventional medicine has also tried and managed to compartmentalize the entire human body without paying attention to his spiritual side.

The human systems are considered to be unrelated but this is a huge mistake; actually, the human body is to be regarded as a genuine whole, a complex unit that makes its systems work together in order to protect itself. The complex systems of the human body are to be taken together because they function in this manner. There is no use treating just a single part of the body and the alternative medicine tries to make people realize the importance of taking care of their bodies in a natural way. The human body is a complex structure that cannot be divided in unique parts without harming the entire entity.

The modern bodies have been designed themselves in order to recognize non-self and self; therefore, the human body needs the spirituality information because it was not designed to absorb poisonous things such as the conventional drugs. The human body should not be forced to absorb dangerous toxins; for instance, the emotional toxins are among the most dangerous ones that can make the human body get really sick. The unhealthy and artificial environment, the unhealthy foods and drinks may influence the immune system in a negative manner. The immune system will become too depressed to be able to protect the body. The poisonous materials that are introduced in the human body on a daily basis will contaminate the blood in an irreversible manner. The alternative medicine tries to deal with this problem in its own way in order to prevent the body from accumulating all the toxins. A contaminated body will use its blood in order to push all the toxins towards the weakest link of the genetic structure thus leading to severe and incurable diseases.

If the weakest link becomes too affected, the human body will develop the well known symptoms that are considered as individual diseases by the conventional medicine. In fact, the human cells are the ones that are crying for help; the cellular malfunction will be installed and the immune system will become too weak to prevent this from happening. The conventional medicine will treat each symptom as being a disease and it will forget about the genuine cellular malfunction. The so-called diseases are in fact the symptoms of a single severe disease that can lead to one’s death if not handled properly. Therefore the conventional medicine is useless if it tries to cure every disease with toxic drugs that will eventually destroy the entire human body.

The cellular malfunction is to be regarded as a sort of multi-stepped process; it is not an instantaneous one. The first step to be considered is the presence of toxicity that is likely to result from the regular consumption of different emotional and environmental toxins. The toxins will eventually build up in your own body thus leading to the alteration of the cells. The cells will become quite gummed up and they will be starved of water and nourishing oxygen. Even the malnutrition and heavy metals play an important role together with other natural enemies such as viruses and bacteria.

The alternative medicine tries to take care of the negative aspects by considering them as a real whole; but the patient needs to be aware that he has to stop from poisoning his own body with different toxins and chemicals. The exposure to negative effects should be minimized in order to avoid future unbalance that may cause a severe cellular malfunction.

About the author:
The alternative medicine states that there is a single disease namely the cellular malfunction and this disease can be understood through the spirituality information