Three Necessity for Good Health.

By:Krishan Bakhru

Most people are born healthy and most diseases are self-created. A person living a natural life does not fall sick. Birds and animals are seldom sick. Human beings are the most unnatural creatures. A healthy life, free from ailments, is necessary for a happy life, and a healthy life has its foundation in nature.

Since the olden days, there has been a saying among elderly people, “healthy body is the first happiness”. All the wealth is meaningless without good health. A sick person can do no good to himself, his family, to the society or to the country. Nor can he perform his religious duties. The aim of a human being should be to understand the rules of good health and to obey them, so that he does not have to depend on doctors burden his life with medicines.

Pure air

The first necessity for good health is pure air. People living in cities breathe polluted air all the time. They should go to a nearby garden or park with plenty of trees and greenery. They should inhale the fresh and pure morning air at least for one hour every day so that they may get vital energy along with oxygen and other necessary elements.

Physical Exercise

The first necessity for good health is pure air. People living in cities breathe polluted air all the time. They should go to a nearby garden or park with plenty of trees and greenery. They should inhale the fresh and pure morning air at least for one hour every day so that they may get vital energy along with oxygen and other necessary elements.

Food and water

The third necessity of good health is food and water. Food should be simple and clean, and in a limited quantity. The best policy is to stop eating when you feel you could eat a little more. The digestive organs have to work overtime if you go on eating until you can eat no more. Overeating or over stuffing yourself may cause problems in your digestive system and shorten your life span. Small morsels, well chewed, are more satisfying and this will automatically reduce the quantity of your intake., It is good to concentrate on food while eating. Talking or thinking of other things while eating, impairs the proper assimilation of the nutritive value of food in the system. People who take a balanced diet, consisting of vegetables and fruits and less quantity of wheat or rice do not suffer from ailments and they do riot become fat and lethargic.

Clean water, a little at, a time, should be taken in a large quantity. Water cooled by artificial methods and ice, are harmful. Drinking cold water along with a meal or immediately after it, is harmful, too. Eating at a late hour in the night is a common habit which may lead to serious problems.

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