Tips For A Tinnitus Treatment

By:Abida Welgon

My husband, who has been working for a sheet metal factory for the past two decades has developed a special kind of hearing problem called tinnitus. This is caused due to harsh conditions of the factory coupled with the absence of heating or air conditioning facilities in the plant. The bigger problem is noise. Tinnitus is common among most people spending major part of their day in a factory. I now worry I can never find an effective tinnitus treatment.

I am pretty confused about the effect of tinnitus. My husband can hear things, but the problem is he hears too much. What he hears is a constant ringing sound and many other humming sounds. This background music makes it difficult for him to actually listen to what is said to him. He doesn’t hear me, if I call him from back.

I was very much perplexed one night to see him disturbed when I switched off the TV in our bedroom. He wanted the TV to be turned on to neutralize the loud humming sounds he was hearing. It was so painful to see he needed a good amount of noise just to fall asleep. This incident prompted me to immediately find a treatment for tinnitus.

It was so unfortunate my search ended up in the cold. I could not find an effective tinnitus treatment that can be used for my husband. Later we decided some changes in daily activities to deal with the amount of sound waves that reach his ears. In fact we were able to make the little adjustments as tinnitus treatment. It has paid off too. His hearing problem was significantly reduced by the changes we made.

We reduced the frequency of going to our favorite music concert from once in a week to few times a year. I also suggested my husband spend more time in quieter environment. Takes a longer shower, listens to soft music and watch some sporting events without setting the volume too high. This soft sound environment acted as an effective tinnitus treatment.

We also avoid certain medicines after our consultations with our doctor. He prescribed alternatives for the medicines that cause the buzzing in the ears. I hope someone will come up with a comprehensive tinnitus treatment. Till then, we are determined to live a normal life in spite of difficulties his ear is causing.

About the author:
The auther writes articles on different topics. To know more, visit tinnitus, acne exposed treatment