Treadmills A Better Run For Your Money
- By:Andrea Sovte
First the basics, how it works. You have a walking belt that is powered by an electric motor, on which you can walk or run. The walking surface may have the capability to be raised and lowered and the speed can be increased and decreased. No real learning curve is required. Treadmills provide exercise specific training for runners and walkers.
Don’t be penny wise and dollar foolish. Not every less expensive treadmill is a good deal. The phase “you get what you pay for” most certainly applies to exercise equipment. If you are a serious exerciser or runner you will need to spend in excess of $ 2500.00 dollars to get a model that will last and offers features that most runners expect.
Measure your floor space before you purchase a treadmill. A non-folding model can occupy at least 18 square feet. You need to consider at the least a 3 foot wide by 6 foot long area for usage. Folding models take up about ½ as much space when not in use. There are some folding models that fold electronically. A nice feature for user that may have a hard time lifting the walking deck.
Are you a walker or a runner? If you are a walker than lower price models should suffice. Runners will appreciate the stability of the non-folding models. If you are a runner than you should realize that you will probably need to spend in excess of $ 2500.00 for a model that will last for years to come.
Hit the stores, if you need to feel and touch your purchase. But you will find better discounts on-line. A lot of manufactures offer free shipping with an on-line purchase. Just like shopping for a new car, the new model treadmills start coming out for the Christmas shopping season. The reason for this is due to the fact that most exercise equipment buyers find a need to get in shape for the holidays. With company parties, and New Years resolutions. You may find some great deals on current model closeouts at this time of year. Another good source is E-Bay, but be cautious on purchasing a used treadmill from a private party. You will be responsible to pickup the treadmill and take it home to reassemble it. Many treadmill repair problems will not surface in a 5 minute tryout. Once you get the treadmill home and use it for over 20 minutes you may find out exactly why the person sold it to you, and you thought you got such a deal. Purchasing from a used or reconditioned treadmill from a dealer is definitely a smarter purchase. The dealer will usually offer delivery, setup and some type of parts and labor warranty. They also may offer and extended warranty.
Feature, features, features. Decide what’s important to you. What is the maximum speed? Does the treadmill incline? If so, how high of a percentage? Do you need programs? Do you want to make your own programs? How about items like fans, TV’s, orthopedic walking belts, large console displays, book holder. Does the treadmill only have front rails or does it also have side rails? Heart monitors, did you need this feature for medical reasons? Do you want a model with a wireless heart rate detector? If so, is the treadmill capable of this feature and if so is it an additional expense. Go to a local retailer and try the treadmill, you can always go on-line to research for better pricing.
What about warranty? Because treadmills tend to take a beating, this may be the most important feature of all. Many of the lower price range treadmills may only come with a 90 days parts and labor warranty. Does the manufacturer have a national network of service centers? Can you purchase an extended warranty? Also check the application of the treadmill most lower priced models are labeled for “In Home Use” only, the warranty will be void if used in a gym or other commercial type setting i.e.: condominium or apartment workout rooms.
Bottom line is if you’ve decided that a treadmill is for you, you must remember that not every less expensive treadmill is for you and it may not necessarily be a good deal. In my experience if you want gym quality in a non-folding treadmill you need to spend about $3000.00. That will generally buy you solid construction with better hardware and programs. These treadmills will also come with a superior warranty.About the author:
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