Treating Acne - When Should I Seek Medical Attention?
- By:Hector Morales
It's a fact that acne is one of the most harmful skin disorders among both teens and adults as well. Not only does it affects people physically but acne has the potential to cause psychological effects, which can be even more devastating. We know there are many products available to treat acne. Some of these treatments include over-the-counter cleansers, creams, etc. And while many mild forms of acne can be treated by some over-the-counter products, more severe types of acne may require medical attention. So, how can you know when to seek medical attention to treat your acne?
It is important to properly care for acne and take the necessary steps to treat and prevent it, but it is also important to know when your acne requires you to see a dermatologist. The decision to seek medical attention to treat your acne takes into account several things. Among the most important factors you should consider when deciding to seek medical attention for your acne is the fact of how you feel about your acne and how it's affecting you, and the medical facts surrounding your acne condition. In the case you are the victim of a very severe form of acne such as cystic acne and none of the products you've tried to treat it have worked for you, then there's no reason why you should hesitate to see a doctor for special treatment.
Severe acne can cause real damage to your skin if you don't treat it properly before it's too late. For one thing, severe acne may leave permanent scars! And this is one of the most important reasons why you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Medical treatment may help reduce scarring. Acne scars come in different types, and appear on some people while others do not have them. In men, scars on the face and neck may make shaving difficult. Shaving can irritate scars, especially larger, more prominent ones, and can further irritate the skin.
How are acne scars treated? There are two factors taken in consideration to treat acne scars: the type of acne you have, and your skin type. Both of these factors play an important role in how your acne scars are treated. The best way to prevent acne scars is to prevent acne, so you should find what works for you and stick to it. If you have cystic acne, a more severe type of acne, there's no doubt you will have to see an acne skin care professional. Painful cysts may need to be drained by a physician. This type of acne usually requires medical attention because of its severity. It can also last for months and cause a good deal of discomfort to sufferers of this form of severe acne.
Acne can also have negative psychological effects on people. And sometimes these psychological effects are much more difficult to deal with than the actual physical scarring. For many acne sufferers, acne can cause them to become anxious or depressed, affected by what those around them think and how they are perceived. They may also fear how others see them, and feel there is no cure for their condition. This is especially true in adults because many feel their acne should have cleared up after adolescence, or shouldn't have occurred during adulthood. This is the reason why many of them often stay away from attending social events to avoid placing themselves in a situation where they might feel inferior. So, it is critical to seek medical attention in these cases. Having the help of a professional doctor will not only help treat the physical effects created by acne but he/she will also help sooth the psychological ones as well.
Seeking medical attention as early as possible can save you many unwanted surprises in the future. This is especially true for teenagers who suffer from acne. It has been proven that teens that suffer from acne early on can usually expect it to worsen as they get older. And in the worst-case scenario, their acne condition can even continue on into adulthood! Many times the consequences are so devastating that more severe types of acne can form. Again, we go back to what we've discussed earlier, by seeking medical attention, scarring can be prevented earlier on in the course of the condition.
Acne is a very serious skin disorder. So it's vital to seek medical attention. It doesn't matter if you aren't sure. Even if prescription medications aren't necessary, a doctor can help you find a treatment that works best for you, and you will be on your way to recovery, which is obviously the ultimate goal.About the author:
Hector Morales is the owner of the Exclusive Skin Care Acne Tips Web Site. Stop by to learn about other acne medication, acne alternative treatments, and many other acne related tips.