Understanding the Actual Causes of Scabies

By:groshan fabiola

The cause of scabies is infestation with microscopic mites that burrow into the skin and produce inflammation, rash and itch. Animal mites and parasites may produce temporary allergic reactions and inflammation in people, but are not able to infest them. The main cause of scabies in people is contamination with a particular type of mite, called Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. This microscopic mite lives only on the bodies of human hosts and can be acquired through direct contact with other people or by exposure to contaminated objects. This particular mite is very contagious and an infected person can spread it to hundreds of other persons.

In the past, the causes of scabies were considered to be inappropriate hygiene and unhealthy lifestyle. However, the truth is that scabies has nothing to do with hygiene and can occur in people of all ages and regardless of sex. Children are mostly affected by scabies, due to their permanent interaction with classmates, friends, allowing the spreading of the condition. Elderly people are also susceptible to acquiring scabies, as a consequence of their limited freedom of movement. Scabies can also be sexually transmitted and in many cases the mites infest the skin in the genital region.

The causes of scabies can’t be prevented. Nothing seems to stop the mites from infesting the skin of their human hosts. They can infest anyone, at any time. Once they are contracted, the female parasite mites burrow into the skin and lay their eggs. After two or three days, the larvae emerge from the eggs and climb to the surface of the skin. They continue to develop into adult mites hidden into the superficial layers of the skin. It is important to note that the cause of scabies isn’t the presence of the mites on the body. Allergic reactions to their feces and eggs are the actual causes of scabies. The mites feed on the human blood and contaminate the skin with their bites and another cause of scabies is infection with toxic substances secreted by the mites. The toxins produced by the mites aren’t tolerated by the human body, causing serious inflammation, rash, pustules and blisters at the skin level.

Although the causes of scabies can’t be prevented, the treatment for scabies is very efficient in dealing with the mite infestation. It consists of local medical creams, gels and lotions that are applied on the entire surface of the skin. The mites are eradicated in only a few days of appropriate treatment. Once you spot the first signs of scabies, it is very important to quickly apply an efficient treatment on the infested skin, as the condition can become severe and lead to complications.

The mites multiply rapidly and in large numbers, they can produce crusted scabies. The cause of crusted scabies is infestation with large numbers of parasite mites. Due to the large number of mites, the skin becomes very thick and bruised. The surface of the skin is covered with a hard crust that is usually very painful. Another complication of scabies is Impetigo. This is a form of bacterial infection and it is very difficult to treat. You should prevent such complications from occurring by paying attention to the signs of scabies and by quickly asking the help of a dermatologist.

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If you want to find great content on different scabies related issues like scabies treatments, scabies causes and many more visit http://www.scabies-center.com .