Understanding the Different Yeast Infection Signs
- By:Muna wa Wanjiru
If you suffer from yeast infection there’s a good chance that you might not be aware of it, or that you might mistake it for something else entirely. There are yeast infection signs which can tell you whether or not you have a yeast infection, but sometimes these signs are the same as some other infections.
That’s where if you think you might have all or some yeast infection signs you might want to consult with your doctor first of all. This serves a dual purpose, in that first of all it can be determined whether or not you have a yeast infection, and secondly it will help to get the proper medication for you.
If you think you have all the yeast infection signs, and decide to take care of the problem yourself, that’s all well and good because there are over the counter medications like Monistat available which can help you.
But if you’re treating a yeast infection and you have some other condition, you will be making your body used to, and in turn immune to, the yeast infection medication. What this means is that when you really need the medication, it won’t work for you.
This is a very good reason to take yourself off to a doctor as the first yeast infection signs that appear. In brief yeast infection signs include rash, itching, burning sensation, vaginal discharge¸ pain during sexual intercourse, redness and soreness of the irritated area, and a swelling of the vulva.
The most unbearable aspect of all the yeast infection signs is that of the itching. For the most part it can be unbearable and interfere with your daily life. The best thing for this is to use as far as possible remedy that will give you instant itch relief.
For this you can employ something like Aloe Vera juice, just daub a little on the affected areas with your fingertips or a cotton pad.
Other discomfiting yeast infection signs includes the burning sensation you might feel when urinating, and thee pain that you might have during sexual intercourse. These can both be troublesome yeast infection signs, and should be looked at immediately as they could herald other medical conditions.
Vaginal discharge is another of the yeast infection signs that can cause some problems although not all the time. Depending on the texture and the odor of the discharge you might have to take steps to help yourself.
For instance sometimes the vaginal discharge can be quite odorless and a thin milky-like substance. At other times yeast infection signs of vaginal discharge can be quite offensive and have a strong and pungent odor, at times yeasty, and at times sulphuric in nature, while the consistency can be cottage cheese-like.
Yeast infection signs should be taken seriously and looked at, especially if you get recurring yeast infection signs. This can indicate that the yeast infection signs are more of a symptom of something else rather than being the cause itself.
About the author:
Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and has been researching and reporting on internet marketing for years. For more information on yeast infection signs, visit his site at YEAST INFECTION SIGNS