Use Essential Oils and Herbs in a Sitz Bath for Hemorrhoid Relief
- By:Rudy Silva
Sitz bath using juniper and lavender oils
If you have swollen hemorrhoids, a sitz bath can help you reduce them and speed your recover. Fill a tub with warm or hot water. Use the temperature that will not irritate your hemorrhoids. Fill it so water reaches your hips or stomach, 6-8 inches. Then add 22 drops of juniper and 22 of lavender essential oils into the bath.
Stir in the oils with your hand and then sit in the bath with your knee raised for 10-15 minutes three times a day. This position helps to bring more blood into your hemorrhoid area, which brings in more nutrients and to pulls out toxic waste.
After 15 minutes, take a shower with water as cold as you can take.
After this sitz bath and shower, you can use one of the herbal paste or ointments directly on your hemorrhoids and leave it on over night.
Sitz Bath Using Shepherd's Purse
The herb Shepherd's Purse can be used in sitz bath. This herb is useful in treating hemorrhoids by reducing,
" Internal and external bleeding
" Reducing blood pressure
" Relieving hemorrhoids
" Repairing wounds
" Reducing prolapsed rectum
Here's how to use it,
Place 1 oz of shepherd's purse in two quarts of distilled water and let it sit for 12 hours. In the morning or evening, boil this mixture for 2-3 minutes and then strain it. Pour the liquid into a sitz tub or into a full bathtub. Stay in the tub for around 20 minutes and do this 2-3 times a day.
After the sitz bath take a cold shower to stimulate blood circulation in the hemorrhoid area.
Witch Hazel and a Basin
Prepare a small tub, container or basin that you can sit in and add some warm distilled water. Add 1/4 cup of witch hazel liquid to the water. Sit in the small tub as long as you can and do it as often as you can. This will relieve your hemorrhoids in 3 to 4 days.
0r, you can freeze witch hazel into small ice cube, then wrap them with cheesecloth and press them against your hemorrhoids for 10-15 minutes every hour. This will reduce the pain and swelling of your hemorrhoids.
Use the sitz bath only for the time you need to eliminate or get relief from your hemorrhoids. Remember that using herbs longer than necessary can cause the condition you're trying to eliminate.About the author:
Rudy Silva is a Natural Nutritionist and write newsletters, articles, and ebooks on natural remedies. For the past 10 years he has been teaching people when and why to use natural remedies.