Use Your subconscious Mind To Create Health
- By:Laurence Magne
"Thoughts are things", and therefore every thought, however small, has its corresponding effect.
This means You know the importance of the Mind in creating, or more accurately attracting our reality. every thought will attract to you whatever you predominantly think about. Unfortunately most people focus on the negative things in life. When they attract those negative things they ascribe them to such erroneous concepts as "bad luck", or "fate".
There is a secret that those who know it can apply to consciously create the exact reality they wish for with immutable certainty. Increasingly more people are doing exactly that, including many students of the home study course, judging by the many emails received detailing these successes.
One of the questions that arises is: "In order to attract the reality we wish for, is it necessary to focus on it constantly, to the exclusion of all other thoughts?” The answer is absolutely NOT.
The important thing to keep in mind, and to practice, is FIRST to never allow thoughts into your Mind that are contrary to your wishes, including destructive thoughts like fears, doubts and uncertainty. Any negative thought can be immediately cancelled by saying to yourself, either aloud or in your Mind; "cancel!, cancel!, cancel!", until the negative thought dissipates. Our objective therefore is to allocate time each day to find a quiet place, fully relax and focus on our wishes by using a Law of Attraction technique as detailed in Our Ultimate Reality.
Afterwards we put the object of our focus out of our Mind, and then ensure no contradictory thought including doubt thoughts enters our Mind. Busy people claim not to have the "time" or opportunity for one reason or another to focus on attracting wishes. The good news is that one of the most powerful times to focus on practicing is just before sleep. At this time we are much more connected to the subconscious Mind as our brainwaves slow down from the normal waking state to sleep state. The higher the frequency of our brainwaves, the less consciously connected we are to our subconscious Mind.
Why is the subconscious Mind so important? These are the main reasons:
1. The subconscious Mind is around 90% of our total Mind Power.
2. The subconscious Mind is sublime; it never, ever questions
3. The subconscious Mind is in permanent communication with our Higher-Self, or more correctly Inner-Self, and most importantly also with the Superconscious Mind; The Universe.
The route to attracting all of our wishes is to communicate those wishes to our subconscious Mind. We can take advantage of these facts by communicating our wishes to our subconscious Mind just before sleep with the following benefits:
1. No special time needs to be set aside during the day
2. Our connection to our subconscious Mind is strong
3. We take thoughts into sleep so they cannot later be questioned So after retiring to bed and just before sleep is one of the very best and most convenient times to practice a method for achieving literally anything you can possibly imagine.
In the Science of Being Well Home Study Course, you will find many examples and stories to help you develop your own powers of healing using simply the power of your mind. This is not revolutionary. These secrets have been around for ages. To learn more, claim your FREE report of the First Secret to Abundant Health on today!!
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