Various Forms of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
- By:groshan fabiola
Multiple sclerosis involves an inflammatory process at the level of the central nervous system, resulting in the destruction of myelin. Myelin is a substance that surrounds the body’s nervous cells, facilitating the transmission of nervous impulses between neurons. If the integrity of the nervous cells’ myelin is compromised, the transmission of nervous impulses between neurons is perturbed, causing serious neurological dysfunctions.
Multiple sclerosis primarily affects the body’s ability to respond promptly to external stimuli (sensorial function), decreases the mobility of the musculoskeletal system (motor function) and reduces mental performance (cognitive function). People affected by multiple sclerosis can in time suffer from serious neuropsychological disorders, such as: depression, short-term memory loss, compromised judgment, emotional instability, mania and even dementia. Multiple sclerosis can also affect the activity of the internal organs, causing renal dysfunctions or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Multiple sclerosis can affect the entire activity of the body and people who suffer from this disease can develop serious physical and neuropsychological conditions. The progression of multiple sclerosis is intermittent and unpredictable. People affected by multiple sclerosis can experience periods of remission, followed by states of relapse. The symptoms generated by the disease occur in episodes, or flares. Although most of the damage caused by this type of neurological disease to the organism can be minimized and reversed with the means of an appropriate multiple sclerosis treatment, modern medicine doesn’t hold the cure for this particular type of disease. The majority of multiple sclerosis treatments available today are focused on extending the periods of remission and on reducing the duration and the intensity of symptomatic flares, being unable to completely overcome the disease.
The most effective medication used in multiple sclerosis treatments is beta interferon. This substance is commonly used in multiple sclerosis treatments for helping in the process of myelin reconstruction. By using beta interferon in multiple sclerosis treatments, doctors are able to control the evolution of the disease and to fight the actual causes of its generated neurological dysfunctions.
Considering the fact that the disease also generates muscle weakness, inflammation, pain and rigidity, the majority of multiple sclerosis treatments include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can help in alleviating the symptoms experienced at the level of the musculoskeletal system. Corticosteroids are also commonly used in multiple sclerosis treatments, as they can minimize the intensity of the physical symptoms experienced during the stages of relapse. Multiple sclerosis treatments often include anticonvulsants, analgesics, mild sedatives and muscle relaxants in the periods of symptomatic exacerbation.
If patients develop internal disorders due to inappropriate activity of the nervous system, multiple sclerosis treatments can also involve the use of medications such as anticholinergics (drugs that reduce bladder spasms), urinary tract antispasmodics and antidiuretics.
For improving mental performance, memory and concentration, multiple sclerosis treatments can also include Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Central Nervous System Stimulants. These medications are able to ease the generalized state of mental fatigue characteristic to people affected by multiple sclerosis. If patients suffer from serious psychological conditions, such as depression or emotional instability, multiple sclerosis treatments can also involve the use of anti-depressives and mild sedatives.About the author:
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