Vitamin C Antioxidant

By:vincent Platania

We have all heard of the benefits of Vitamin C; perhaps even see it as a kind of wonder cure to aid those trying to prevent the common cold every winter. You may be interested to learn that this antioxidant also goes by the name of ascorbic acid. Take a look at the ingredients labels on the back on some food products in your kitchen and you'll probably be surprised to learn how frequently you eat Vitamin C. It's used as a preservative. Many dried fruits are coated with ascorbic acid powder to keep them from browning during dehydration and it lends that familiar sourness to lemon drops. You can make use of the preservative properties of Vitamin C at home by coating apple slices in lemon juice and drying them in the oven at a low temperature.

Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant and it takes free radicals directly to the liver to be flushed from the body. Interestingly Humans are amongst the few mammals that don't produce their own Vitamin C. The others are monkeys, and guinea pigs.

Also this antioxidant is not stored in the human body. You need to replenish your stores daily. Luckily, there are many sources of Vitamin C in the world. Among them are, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, grape fruit, green peppers, lemons, oranges, potatoes, rose hips, strawberries, tangerines, tomatoes.

A lack of Vitamin C in the body can lead to scurvy, a condition where the gums pull away from the teeth and bleed. You can lose all of your teeth and eventually die. Though this was a problem for many a seafaring sailor in the past, it's unlikely that you will develop such an extreme deficiency of Vitamin C. The reason scurvy develops is because vitamin C is a necessary part of collagen formation. Without these connective fibers your tissues becomes weak and break easily. Other earlier signs of deficiency are swollen red gums, weakness, weight loss, irritability, and you will notice that wounds do not heal as easily. Though these signs must be diagnosed properly, they are similar to symptoms of Diabetes, Arthritis, and Gingivitis.

The recommended daily value of Vitamin C is sixty milligrams. If you fall below ten milligrams a day you will begin to develop a deficiency. It can take up to six months before signs of Scurvy will be obvious. If you do manage to get Scurvy its easily treatable with a higher dosage of Vitamin C for a couple weeks and then a management diet containing lots of foods rich in the antioxidant. While Vitamin C is essential to your body and helps to maintain your immune system its not recommended that you take high doses unless under stress or during illness. Too much can cause diarrhea and painful urination.


About the author:
Author Vincent Platania represents the Stanley Home Products. Stanley Home Products has been in business since 1936, and offers high quality home and personal care products to keep your home and your body clean.